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Today's Interview: Kitchenlogic -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I'm a 40-something suburban stay-at-home-mom in Minnesota. I voted for the Wrestler-turned-Governor in the last election because I thought it would be funny. He won. It's not. Funny. I'm married for the second time. First time to Julius (aka unohuu) and now to Thor. Thor and I have two children together: Thing 1 and Thing 2. Two boys.

Why did you choose this username?

I stole the idea. (God, that feels good to get that confession off of my chest) We have a local radio talk show called "Garage Logic". The host thinks that every problem that needs to be solved can be solved in the garage. I say he's wrong - it's the kitchen where all the problem solving happens.

Why do you keep a diary online?

I'm a self-diagnosed victim of something called "Kindling" One idea leads to two, two lead to four, four lead to eight, and so on and so on. What I'm trying to say is that I've got a lot to say and I need somewhere to say it. I can wear out friends in a matter of days with my blatherings. Thoughts in my head are screaming to be heard. The diary gives me a place to release it to, leaving me space to fill my head up again. And I like knowing that there are people out there who read and enjoy what I write. It's practice. One day I'm going to be a famous writer who will hide in her house and not grant television interviews because I have such terrible stage fright. It's all part of my master plan. You will all be saying, "I remember when she wrote for free and I didn't have to pay $22.95 for one hardcover".

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Very important. If a diary doesn't look good and I can't get around it easily, I'm going to quit reading it altogether unless the content is so brilliant that I don't realize it looks like crap. I haven't found one of those diaries yet. Hint to everyone using the Diaryland templates: fix it. Go to diaries that you like - click on "View" and "Source" then copy and paste it into your diary template. Stealing - it's a good thing. My diary's layout? Well - It's okay for now. The way it looks at this time is the second look since I dumped the template. I'm a mere babe in the html-coding world, so when I finally take the time to really sit down and learn how to do what it takes to do it - the look will change.

You are very funny! Is this intentional or unintentional? How is it you are so funny?

< start funny >Are you trying to tell me that you're not sure when I'm being funny and when I'm not? < end funny > < start not being funny > Maybe that's the trouble I have with the readers who feel the need to talk trash to me. Message to Readers: Most of the time I'm trying to be funny. It's intentional. I was born funny. And I come from a very funny family. So fucking funny that they can never stop being funny for even one second. Gets on my nerves! Some people are offended by my sense of humor. They're invited to read somebody else and leave me the hell alone. < end not being funny >

I hope that clarified things.

You have mentioned "Ann" in your diary from time to time. What is it about her honestly that makes you crazy?

"Ann" is a fictitious person made up by a reader who didn't like it when she thought I was being politically incorrect. (which I often am, this particular entry must have hit a nerve) She took something I said about lazy Daycare Workers at a Museum and turned it into me hating moms who work. She also accused me of being a bigot. I don't think it's the reader's place to tell me how I should and shouldn't be writing my diary. My guest book isn't put there for criticism. I'm hoping that readers will say something nice or just let me know that they stopped by - and invite me over to their diary if they've got one. I don't go to other people's guestbooks and critique them. I usually try to encourage them or thank them for something they said or use it for chatty banter. "Ann" represents all those people who think it's their place to correct the world. "Ann" also writes alot of stupid shit that makes it fun to respond to.

Tell us about your love affair with "Connie Frickin' Francis"!

Are you calling me a Lesbian? (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) Have you seen "Where the Boys are?" I have, many times. Maybe I like Connie Frickin' Francis so much because I'm a sucker for Frank Gorshen (ooh! I got DIBS on Frank!) I really started to like her when a group of friends of mine spent alot of time talking about Connie. Her hair, her dresses (and how they envied her tiny little waist in them), her insanity (she swears to God she saw Elvis in her microwave), how that tramp Sandra Dee stole Bobby Darrin from her. I'm drawn to kitschy actors. I've seen Connie in concert - believe me, she's all "kitsch".

You do a great job at making others laugh, what makes Kitchenlogic laugh, and more importantly what makes Kitchenlogic cry?

I laugh at comedians, when they are funny. I laugh whenever I watch the Daily Show on Comedy Central. Thor makes me laugh. So do Thing 1 and Thing 2 - mostly Thing 2. (Thing 1 is pre-adolescent, he's not so funny anymore). I laugh when I read Uncle Bob. I laugh when I'm with friends.

When do I cry? When people I love die. When sappy commercials are on t.v., I tear-up. When I'm watching Rhoda and they're airing the episode where Joe dumps her, I cry. (But I recover quickly when she starts dating Johnny Venture). Whenever I watch "Taxi" and it's the episode where Jim is taking his written Driver's Exam - I laugh until I cry and continue laugh/crying until I pee my pants. ("What does the yellow light mean?" "Slow down" "What." "Does." "The." "Yellow." "Light" "Mean"? "Slow. Down!" "What" pause pause pause "Does" pause pause pause "The" pause pause pause "Yellow" pause pause pause "Light" pause pause pause "Mean"?) Oh sweet Jesus, I'm laughing about it again!

If I'm feeling blue but can't cry it off, I can always watch the movie "Penny Serenade" with Cary Grant or "My Life" with myfiance, Michael Keaton. They both make me bawl like a baby.

That's it? That's all the questions I get? What kind of a Barbara Walters are you? I didn't feel like crying at all!!! Don't you think you could ask me some questions like, "How did you feel when your brother died on a golf course at the age of 41 and Did you want to sue when you found out that the first ambulance that arrived had a defribillator with a dead battery?" or "Does it hurt your feelings that you didn't get invited to your ex-husband's third wedding when you'd been at his previous two?" or "When you lost your virginity on the floor of your college apartment living room, weren't you embarrassed when you realized your living room curtains were open and perhaps some people across the way may have seen you?" (Shit Trinity! How did you know about that?!!! My God, you're quite the Investigative Reporter!)

Interviewed by Trinity63

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3:27 p.m.


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