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Today's Interview: Devnullicus -

Why did you choose this username?

Because the one I wanted, "DevNull", was already taken by some loser who took the name and only made 2 entries in his diary back in mid-2000 sometime. So, devnullicus was my backup name, a cross between DevNull and Spartacus (I've always liked gladiator movies).

Why do you keep a diary on-line?

I'm an attention-whore, of course. No, actually, it was for several reasons:

1)I wanted someplace easy to make entries in from anywhere. Diaryland was the first diary site I came across (someone else I knew had a diary here). I've kept a diary on my computer before, but it's always a hassle when I can't get to it from somewhere else and I really need to write, RIGHT NOW.

2)I wanted someplace that I could be semi-anonymous and yet still get feedback about problems or issues in my life.

3)I use it to give my therapist a place to get at my thoughts on a daily basis so that when we actually get together and talk, I don't have to rehash everything that happened-I can just talk about feelings rather than spend most of the sessions telling what happened. Efficiency is part of who I am.

4)And finally, something that happened after I started getting to know people on here, is well, I started to genuinely like a lot of the people I met here on d-land and found that I liked having these friends who actually cared about some of the things in my life (and vice versa).

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

A layout is not that important, IMO. It's all about the content. I could care less how someone else's diary looks. If they have good and interesting content, don't whine too much, and honestly share their feelings, I'll like it. The only things I REALLY care about in someone else's diary is the ease in which I can read their content. If the layout makes the content hard to read, I don't like the layout. I have a layout simply because I wanted one. I have done a bit of web design in the past and so it's fairly easy for me to do layouts. I didn't like any of the standard templates that much, so I changed mine using some ideas and pictures I'd come up with years ago for my own personal website. My own website doesn't use these pictures any more, but I figured I could recycle them here for something that I liked to look at.

There are also a few "extras" links on my page which aren't included on the standard templates, including links to some of my favorite music, my reading materials, poetry, etc. I put those there so that if people really cared, they could find out more about me.

You write very honestly and openly about potentially painful issues. Was this a conscious decision?

I write about things that are going through my head. Sometimes, it takes me days to figure out what to say about something, but I generally know I'm going to say SOMETHING about a topic well in advance. In fact, I have several entry topics in my head right now that I know I'm going to write about soon. I usually let the ideas bang around my head for a while, and then suddenly, one day it all comes pouring out into words on a web page.

This is a very conscious decision on my part to be as honest as I possibly can be. I don't see what the point of having a diary is if you can't be honest in it. It's supposed to be about your feelings, your woes, your daily whines. Simply writing about what happens to me is boring and I would never want to re-read it. But writing how I'm feeling interests me later, so I'll go back and re-read it again. It really helps me to have a record of my feelings at a particular time so that I can learn from it later, when the feelings and the situation aren't so fresh.

What prompted you to choose Diaryland? How have you enjoyed it so far?

A person I knew had a diary here which I read. From there, I figured out how to get my own diary. I never knew until later that there were other diary sites, as I'd never considered having an online diary before.

I can't believe how much I've actually enjoyed my time on d-land so far. Not only has the writing itself been very cathartic for me, but I find that I meet and enjoy many different people here. Regular online meetings are nothing like d-land where you can simply call up someone's diary and get to really know them, glimpses into their soul, so to speak. It's a wonderful way to get to know someone, I think. I'm now spoiled and I don't think I'll ever really want to go back to regular IRC again.

How do you deal with having your wife reading your diary (as well as keeping her own for you to follow)? Has this presented any problems - do you, for example find yourself censoring what you write?

It's hard sometimes, knowing that Karen reads my diaries. It has definitely made me pause before writing some things. But in the end, I invariably decide to write it anyway, good or bad. This diary really is for me. If Karen reads about a feeling here that we haven't discussed already (which is rare, actually - we talk a lot), then it's usually because 1) the feeling is so new that I haven't had a chance to talk to her about it yet, or 2) it's a good way to introduce a topic that we need to discuss anyway.

But yes, there are moments when it makes me pause that she reads my diary. Honestly, though, I find it nice that she does. It's not always easy to bring up difficult issues face to face, though it's not as hard to talk about them when they're already on the table. When I'm writing, I'm totally focused on what I'm writing about and it's much easier to say things that way sometimes. Maybe it's cowardly of me, but that's how I am, and if it works for me and get the issues out in the open, then I don't knock it. What I write has definitely caused some arguments between Karen and I at times. But not usually, and not for very long. We are both the type of people that once a problem is out in the open, we work to solve it.

What is the meaning of life?

42. Oh, wait, wrong answer.

From Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" (last verse):

So, just why-why are we here,

And just what-what-what-what do we fear?

Well, ce soir, for a change, it will all be made clear,

For this is 'The Meaning of Life'. C'est le sens de la vie.

This is 'The Meaning of Life'.

I don't know what C'est le sens de la vie means, but it sounds good. There is no meaning to life anyway, so far as I'm concerned, so I figure I'll enjoy it while I can.

Interviewed by GingerBug

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