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Today's Interview: Witchgirl -

Why did you choose this username?

To be honest, when I chose the name I was trying to look into diaryland without Lee knowing who I was (a bit sneaky). So I chose a name that he would never associate with me. Paganism and Wicca really aren't my thing (nothing against them, just not for me), so I thought the term "witch" would never be a clue as to who I really was. And it worked (flirted with him for hours before I 'fessed up ). But now, I just tell people that my husband finds me "bewitching".

Why do you keep a diary on-line?

Lee first turned me onto it, but now I do it because I like writing out my thoughts. I'm not the most creative or imaginitive writer, but it helps to write what I'm feeling, so I can look back on it later and examine my emotions, experiences, etc. at my own leisure. I definitely do not write for other's enjoyment, and I've learned alot about myself through this.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I think layout is a great way to get the diary noticed, and a lot of the extras you see on many diaries are a plus. But for me, the main reason to have a diary is to write about your life and experiences. So in that respect, the layout itself isn't as important. As for my site, I want to do a custom layout soon, just to be a bit more unique. But it's not a huge priority. I'm not a web designer or anything like that, and as I said before, I'm much more interested in reading and writing the entries themselves. But Lee of course has the talent/interest in assisting me with a more dramatic layout (he made me say that!). I just need to decide what I want my site to look like....and I'm not imaginative, so it's a task in itself.

Your dialogue with Devnullicus was probably one of the most heart-achingly honest things I've read in a diary. Was it an automatic decision of yours to make it public - or did you make a mutual decision?

It was a mutual decision. I wrote my part one evening when Dev/Lee and I had a bit of an argument, and I wanted to flesh out my feelings in a way that he could understand. It wasn't really meant as a dialogue, more for my own use than anyone else's. But after showing it to Lee, he wanted to reply to my thoughts in a written manner, and we decided it would be a great way for others we know to understand us better.

Do people tend to define you via Polyamory? Or is that a side of your life which is only known to a select few?

I consider polyamory one aspect of my life, but not the defining aspect. Some members of my family and friends know, and some don't. If Lee and I were to ever meet someone that we wanted to include in our life in every way, we would certainly have to be more open. I guess the way I look at it is that the main thing that separates polyamory from other close relationships in the world is the possibility of true intimacy. But in the same way that I don't share the sex life between Lee and I with my family and child, I don't need to share any sex life we have with others with them either. I don't enjoy hiding any part of my life from my family and friends, but I'm also realistic that my values and ethics aren't shared by everyone, and I don't push my beliefs on others. To the extent that a person doesn't want to be my "friend" because of poly, then they don't need to be a part of my life. But within my career, and also with my family, some discretion is called for. I do hope that someday, I can be exactly who I am to the rest of the world, without censoring my conduct and words. Only time will tell.

Truth be told, I don't like the label "polyamorous" as a defining characteristic. I'd rather be defined by other attributes, not my sexuality. I'm intelligent, witty, caring, faithful, loyal, happy, sarcastic, loving, cranky, anal-retentive, controlling, and many other things. These qualities are what make want to embrace polyamory, so that I can share these aspects of my life with others.

How do you deal with having your husband reading your diary (as well as keeping his own for you to follow)? Has this presented any problems - do you, for example find yourself censoring what you write?

Actually, I think that both of us using Diaryland has brought us closer. Lee and I have a very open relationship, and try to share most of our thoughts with one another. But like any couple, sometimes we have a problem communicating or working through an issue. Having our own place to write down our thoughts can be helpful. I can write down my feelings, and then Lee can read them and understand them in a "non-emotional" state. More than once, I've read Lee's diary and thought "wow, that's what he was trying to get across!".

As for censoring myself, that does occasionally happen, but rarely because Lee is reading it. I think there are some things that I'm just not ready to share with anyone EXCEPT Lee.

Nintendo or Fridge Magnets?

Depends on the day!! Nintendo if I want to forget the world, and Fridge Magnets (only by Gingerbug of course) when I want to explore my psyche a bit further!

Interviewed by GingerBug

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