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Today's Interview: Flipstash -

Why did you choose this username?

First of all, let me just say, I love my user name!...Stash, Flip Stash...(LOL) The name derives from two separate events...Flip is my real life nickname. It is short for Flipper, the name my brother gave me when I was three years old and all I did, all day long, was play in the pool, pretending to be a dolphin, and singing the Flipper song. The only person allowed to call me by my REAL name is my Mother. The Stash was added about two years ago. I was a mid-life AOL addict at the time. I had used "Flip" in many a screen name. FlipSays, Flipski, Fliparoni... the list goes on. I eventually fell victim to a stalker and Flipstash was born! It basically meant....Flip was stashing herself.

Why do you keep a diary on-line?

After losing my AOL addiction. I soon replaced it with Diaryland. I thought this to be an incredible idea! A place to journal my life, anonymously, for the world to read! I have been keeping journals since I was 16. I came out to myself in a journal...talked about my first kiss, dealt with my first love, and first broken heart. Journaling to me is sacred. I feel it has helped me stay sane on many levels. I will always have a current diary going...until I can no longer physically form words.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

At first I didn't think it to be such a big deal, but then, as I became more and more addicted to reading other peoples diaries, I realized how much I enjoyed the creative look to some. I found I was drawn to the eye candy diaries, which, of course, also had something to say. I began playing with the HTML on my own and created a decent look. When I stumbled across Twiggle, I decided to ask her if she would show me what she might do for me. When I saw what she had made I was BLOWN AWAY! I never really went into my love for dolphins...nor did I mention the ying-yang tattoo I have on my hand. It was love at first sight! *Thanks again Twiggle!* ( Which reminds me...I still want to get her something off her wishlist!)

You have strong opinions and aren't afraid to state them. Is this only true in writing, or does your "real life" attitude follow suit?

Let me start by saying my strong opinions have gotten me into more hot water than I ever cared to stew in! I doubt I'll ever change either. I'm not sure if it's my Italian Blood, my sun AND moon sign of Taurus or my up-bringing. Perhaps it's all three. All I do know for sure is, if the issue strikes something in me....someone�s going to hear about it! The only advice I can give to anyone that might want to speak up and be heard is...say what you mean and mean what you say. If you stick to that theory you will discover a self-respect that will shine in your everyday life.

Is it possible to fall in love on-line?

WOW! Is there enough space on your site for me to cover all I feel about this subject? LOL

OK, I'll try to keep it to a minimum. Short version answer...Yes, it is possible. Have I? Yes, too many times. Do I recommend it? HELL NO! I have found it is hard enough to know how to let love to let go and let love happen. Not being able to physically intermingle as you get to know someone can be very dangerous. A long distance/online love affair is a bittersweet romance with an unknown future. Ya know, it's just SO damn easy to let your heart go to someone you only know thru chat rooms and phone lines..Because what you DON'T know about that person, you can easily fill with the thoughts of perfection you want them to possess physically, mentally and emotionally. I could fill a book with how many attributes I have falsely put on women so that, in my head and in my heart, they were the perfect mate for me. Only to become sadly disappointed, heart-broken and in one instance, stranded in Kentucky. Personally, I would never allow myself to go there again. nuff said.

You refer to the WTC tragedy in many of your entries. What kind of personal effect do you feel it has had on your life?

It has changed my heart. I will never be able to think about this tragedy without a sense of loss. I never thought I would ever see something like this in my lifetime. There is something about this that tugs at my heart. Telling me to be more forgiving. Be more compassionate. Be grateful for what I have been blessed with. Life is precious. Life is a gift. Love is a part of life. I'm not sure where I am going with those statements...I just know, I am different. I see the world differently.

Are you really a young butch dyke stuck in an old fart lesbo body?

Oh thank God a question I can laugh about! *and laugh I did when I read it!* The answer to this is, Yes...I am. I don't know how it happened, but somehow my drivers license says I am almost 40 years old! I swear, there must be some sort of mistake! I can't be a day over 21! No way! Most of my friends are barely old enough to get into bars. They love me! They gravitate towards me! They card me when I tell them my real age.

I guess I don't look my age, and my mind MOST certainly does NOT comprehend 40! I guess I still have my charm too and I can't say my age has stumped my sex life! As far as being a dyke, if I had to change everything about me except one thing? I would still be GAY!! WOOHOO Girls RULE!!

Interviewed by GingerBug

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