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Today's Interview: Myrhlyn -

Please give a short bio for our readers.

Well, I'm 17, and I live in St. Paul, MN. I'm an aspiring singer/songwriter, who hopes to become a novelist someday, too. I'm Bi, and very open-minded about new people, new things, new places. I believe that anything can happen, and that's why I'm also a Pagan who believes in fairies and magick. I hate my family, and I hope someday I can run away and live in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina.

Why did you choose this username?

Ah, time to put this damning question to rest. =) "Myrhlyn" is a play on the name "Merlin", and they are pronounced the same. I've had some people call me "Myr", which is just SO wrong. I was thinking of frankincense and myrrh (my favorite scents) when creating the spelling, and I guess I should have added an extra 'r' to avoid confusion. But it's MYRH-LYN people! *ahem* Okay.

Now, for WHY I chose it... I liked the pagan conotations with it. And I also wanted to portray the female-masquerading-as-a-male-persona type of thing, since I like women. I believe there was once a female lesbian writer who used the name "Merlin" as well? Not sure. But anyway, I wanted a powerful name for writing, since it is something I've devoted my life too. And the Merlin was a powerful person in his time, wisdom-wise.

Why do you keep a diary on-line?

Because I'm an exhibitionist. =p But really, I just like people reading what I have to say. I like the fact that people are "listening", and that I'm not all alone in the world. I've had four diaries prior to this one online, and I guess I've just became addicted. =)

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Not very, but it doesn't hurt. =p I think the writing is most important. The only thing that keeps me addicted to a person is the writing, not the layout. There are a lot of people who have cool layouts on diaryland; but I don't read them because that's all they've got. A nice layout. What's the use of having a layout if you have nothing worth displaying in it? I actually read quite a few diaries who use Andrew's annoying, but convienient templates. =)

As for my design, it's changed a lot. But that's because I know limited HTML. I'm having it designed by someone at Beautify, but they're backed up until eternity; so no cool templates for me, for awhile. =( But what I have now is okay. Not too shabby, actually.

You admire the British Royal Family. What, in your opinion, are the benefits (if any) of having a royal family rather than a president? Do you think Americans would accept such personal wealth and state expenditure from blue-blooded individuals when the country's support system for ordinary people is failing?

Well, first of all, the royals in Britain are only figureheads nowadays, so it wouldn't be a matter of replacing the president we have now. (Even as much as I'd like to.) And besides that, if you think about it, we already have our own family of figureheads. Despite the waning popularity of Camelot, (JFK Jr. was their last hope, I think), the Kennedy's are still considered royalty here. But, to your question:

As shocking as it sounds, I don't think Americans would be all that opposed to a monarchy. I mean, we already have the system of re-electing officials, and sons taking positions once held by their fathers (George W. Bush for example); it would only be a small step to institute a family line to take the position of president. I mean, I was one of the many Americans hoping that Clinton could, somehow, go for a third term. And as for the wealth and state expenditure... what about the money spent on presidents now? All former presidents get $200,00 a year for the rest of their lives. Why not make that a life-time investment? And with President Bush, hell, he's spent more than enough. But I guess to make this Americanized, we would have to have some way of outing the family out; once they become corrupt. I mean, still have the congress and senate, but give them the power of impeachment.

And, I don't know. I guess King and Queen, and a royal family, are just romantic to think about. =)

You mention tarot readings, people reading halos from photographs and speak of a goddess when referring to a higher power. How would you categorize your beliefs?

I'm very open-minded. And a Pagan. I guess I'm a witch, although I don't follow everything in Wicca. I'm one of those people who considers every possibility; and I question science more than anything. I don't follow the normal rules of society either. Their morals, their philosophies... whatever. I make up my own mind.

What are you most afraid of?

My dreams not coming true. I want to sing and write more than anything. What if I fail at it? I don't know if I could survive. And that's my biggest fear, that people will hate me and crush my heart.

If you could be any character from a book, who would you be and why?

Hmm. This is a tough one. I'd like to be Anita Blake from the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton (she just SO kicks a$$!), but a more sensible choice would be Medea (from a play of the same name by Euripides). Because Medea just totally disregards society morals and their common sense, and just follows her own mind. Even though it ends in tragic circumstances (she kills her own children), she doesn't sacrifice her own self and integrity to a male society. And that's me, in a nutshell.

Interviewed by GingerBug

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