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Today's Interview: Aneedrumgirl -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I can't guarentee that this will be short, but I'll try my best. I was born on March 30, 1983 (which makes me almost 19 and an Aries) in Fairfax, Virginia. My parents divorced when I was 2, and my mother and I moved across the country to California and I've lived in the same house for almost 17 years now. Even though my mom had full custody, I'd still spend the summers with my dad. I was a GATE student (Gifted and Talented Education) in elementary school, but my grades began to slip during junior high and into high school. I was a MAJOR music/extra-curricular person in high school; marching band, choirs, ASB... I didn't want to leavemy high school years behind until the end of my senior year, when I desperately needed to get out. Now, I'm in my 2nd semester at Fullerton College, and I hope to transfer after my 4th semester to a Cal State, and eventually earn a bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts and become an elementary school teacher.

Why did you choose this username?

My username for practically EVERYTHING is aneEdrummeRgirL. "Anee" is a weird spelling of my first name, "drummer" is what I was in high school, and "girl" is what I am. *shrugs* but aneEdrummeRgirL was too long, so I shortened it to aneedrumgirl.

Why do you keep a diary online?

I always wanted to journal, but couldn't find the motivation to sit down at the end of the day and spill my guts on a piece of paper. I have what I like to call "Only Child Syndrome", which means that I must be the center of someone's attention at all times. Since I'm online pretty often, I thought that keeping an online journal would let me spill my guts for an audience.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I think that lay-outs and a crucial element for web-based diaries. If I see a diary with one of those damn Comet Cursors, I won't read it unless it's REALLY GOOD. I'm very visually oriented; I like looking at pretty things. My diary has gone through many transformations, all thanks to those talented designers at Beautify (since I'm too lazy to learn HTML). My diary layout pretty much changes whenever my mood does. It's been blog-style, pink themed, Gwen Stefani-d...

You write that your parent's divorce has added to the person you are. Do you consider it a positive addition?

Definetely. Their divorce has let me know that there is a bitter reality to love, and that if something like that were to happen to me down the road, I'd just try and move on.

You write a lot about your boyfriend Brian. Could you tell us a little about him and why he's so special to you?

Well, there's just so much to say about him. He's my soulmate and my best friend, and my life wouldn't be as full without him. He's put up with so much of my crap, and I feel so blessed to have such a great guy by my side. We've broken up once before, for about 6 months, but we realized that we were meant for each other and ended up getting back together. He knows me in ways no one else does.

I was truly touched by the entry you wrote about the man who died in the restaurant as you walked into it. At the end of that entry, you made a promise to yourself to live a happier life. Is it working?

Sort of. I've let more things go than I usually would, and I've tried to concentrate on the things that will make me a happier and bettee person, rather than dwelling on the things that upset me. I'm not completely satisfied yet, but I doubt I'll ever be.

Okay Anee, time for your fun little question. America desperately needs to reduce its deficit, and decides the best course of action is to sell one of the states to France. As president, which one do you sell and why?

Well, if all the states were worth the same amount, then I'd definitely get rid of Rhode Island. It's dinky! It shouldn't even be a state. *winks*

Interviewed by Notum

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