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Today's Interview: Brokenwords -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

In the month of September in the year 1984, I was born. 17 years later, I'm still here, living in a backwards little Maryland town with my Mom, Dad, and twin brother. I'm still in high school, senior year, thank God. And when I'm not there, I'm working at a fledgling movie store, or trying to sneak entry's into my diary.

Why did you choose this username?

Divine intervention. Sitting in front of my computer screen trying desperately to think of a name, the song "Broken Words" by Finger Eleven started playing on my CD player. The rest is history.

Why do you keep a diary online?

It started off as a challenge. I didn't think I could deal with other people rooting around in my head, so I posted a few entries to prove myself wrong. I never really intended to keep it going, but I got hooked. I guess I'm more narcissistic than I thought.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I think a good layout is the hook line. Its what keeps me coming back. You could be an amazing writer, but have an ordinary template, and I probably won't look at it twice. There's nothing really original about it and its not visually stimulating. The layout that I use is a Lex Design. Its a design called Death. I liked the color scheme and the graphic caught my eye. I thought it fit my diaries content well enough.

Interestingly, on your list of likes and dislikes, the things you dislike most are people. Describe what has lead you to find so much wrongness in human beings.

Its not really the people I dislike, its their actions. Most people I have put trust in have wronged me somehow. I don't let people in easily, and I start off by letting them know this. When I do let them in, though, they usually end up ignoring that and hurting me. There are very few, if any people, that I like 100%. That's just how I am, once bitten, twice shy.

Do you truly believe that the only way to win is to cheat?

I think the only way to win, is to ignore the set rules and make your own. It doesn't say that you can't do that, so I guess it really isn't cheating, just bending.

You tell us that you take drugs. What kind of drugs have you taken? Do you think you have a problem?

The type of drugs depends on the situation. Currently, I'm trying to dry out. In the past, though, if someone handed me something that looked interesting enough, I probably would have taken it. As for having a problem, yeah I probably do. Drugs were never really presented to me in a negative light. My parents would hand me medication whenever anything was wrong, so I immediately assumed: drugs = feeling better. So when things started going bad, I immediately started taking whatever lay around the house. Soon, the pills weren't enough to outweigh the wrong, and I had to do more. And before I knew it "I can quit whenever I want" flew out the window. Recently, I sort of hit rock bottom and decided to get my act together. There's really no where to go from there but up. Its going to be difficult, but I'm trying really hard to stay as clean as possible.

Have you currently got a crush on anyone? (I lost count, reading your diary...)

I have a short attention span. If I don't get tired of the guys in my life, they get tired of me. My relationships don't usually make it past the one month mark. So, its always someone new. I've always got a crush on someone. Right now, though, its only one someone. He and I are sort of "involved" I guess. Its not a lot, but its enough to keep me happy for the time being.

Interviewed by GingerBug

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