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Today's Interview: Damik -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I'm 20. I've lived in Utah all my life. Except for about six months when I lived in Calif. with my dad. I live with my boyfriend. We have been together for over four years. I have two cats. And two sisters and a brother. I go to the community college, but I'm not doing very well. And I have the hardest time writing bio's.

Why did you choose this username?

It's the combination of my name and my boyfriends name. I have also been known to use the username Danmik, damikho, or danmikho if Damik has been used. But, I prefer Damik because if you say it fast, it sounds like your swearing.

Why do you keep a diary online?

I needed an outlet. I have many things I would never tell anyone I know. And wanted to pour it somewhere. I also wanted to feel connected. If I was to just write my entry's in the classical diary, no one would ever know what I was feeling, or have the chance to comment on it. I liked the idea of writing for people to read with out them actually knowing who I am. You can be more honest that way.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I think the layout is real important. It used to not matter to me, but now I think it shows that much more the personality of the writer. As for mine. One thing I find funny is that I've never been a fan of the color purple, but when I started to fiddle with the layout, and then after when BananaFishie did my layout for me both ended up purple. I don't know, I think I just have purple kinda writing.

Hi Damik! Great Diary! You share with your readers that you are lazy, yet an exhibitionist of sorts. Tell us how you can be both?

Ah. It's that I'm selectively lazy. If it's something I'm interested in, I've been known to throw all my energy into the project. But, if I don't care, I'm hard pressed to even dedicate a day to whatever it is. So when it comes to exposing my self in public, I could do that for hours, but I haven't done my math homework for about three weeks.

I admire your bravery in talking about something as personal as cutting yourself. Would you share with us about SI and how its affected your life?

It has never been something I was proud of. But it also hasn't always been a dirty, little secret I've tried to hide. In elementary I wanted people to see how much I was hurting, and being hurt. I remember in sixth grade standing before a mirror trying to give myself a black eye. Jr. High was filled with despair and attempts on my life. It was then I discovered sharp objects. At first it was this "friendship safety pin" my best friend had given me. Then it was glass shards or anything else I could find that was sharp enough. Finally I kept a utility blade in my backpack. In High School I would show people my handiwork and enjoy their reaction. Though soon others joined in the self destruction. I quit my sophomore year. I went over two years with out cutting myself, although I would still hit myself when I got upset. But last Christmas I tumbled back, and haven't been able to pull myself back out. I will be strong enough to quit one day, though today might not be that day. I'll never erase the memory of crouching in bathrooms making myself bleed. I will never erase the marks either.

Tell me about your dreams?

I want to be an Actress. I told myself once that if I couldn't act then at least I could make a difference in people's lives. Every day I make the difference in six people's lives, but I still yearn to act. It's a dream I will always chase, though I'll never throw my whole self in so if I fail I will still have an excuse. Another dream is to be a published writer. I want to be an influential poet, though I scarcely dare to voice that dream because of how desperately I want it to happen.

I am your fairy godmother and I am granting you one wild and crazy wish. (Nothing heavy or soul searching, this is just fluff for fun) So what's the wish going to be girly?

Well I've always wanted a pumpkin shaped coach pulled by mice to drive me around.... Can you do that? Or a bank account that never has less then $1,000,000.

Interviewed by Trinity63

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