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Today's Interview: hardrain -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

Short bio..I'm not sure if I know how to write one of those ;) My name is Heather, I'm seventeen years old, born and raised in Georgia. I am an avid animal lover, having six dogs, all of which live inside the house. I am a lesbian. Many have told me I am wise beyond my years, but I just try and live day by day. I love painting, drawing, writing. I'm one of those people that many would call a geek. I spend lots of time reading books, and listening to folk/rock. Basically, I am just me, and I love the person that I am.

Why did you choose this username?

I was listening to a song by Sue Witty, called "Hard Rain" and in the song, she talks about life being hard, but people making it out of the storm. Something in that song just kind of connected with me. I have had hard times in my life, but each time, I have come out a stronger, better person for it. I'm proud of that aspect of myself. This diary name has become a part of me, it's my motto. "This life is a hard rain, but I've got an umbrella in my heart."

Why do you keep a diary online?

I have always tried with paper diaries, but often, after a few weeks, I stopped. I thought that this was going to be another one of those things, lasting about a month, and then losing it's fun, but, after a few weeks, I found myself -wanting- to write. I couldn't wait to make a new entry. That passion still exists. I love putting my thoughts out to the wind ,and actually getting a response. I have met amazing people through this. I wouldn't change it for the world.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Several of the diaries that I read have diaryland templates. They have good content, and that is what matters. I do admit, however, that it sometimes, makes a diary hard to read when the writer doesn't know HTML and the page is littered with so many rings that it is impossible to find the entry. I guess that a pet peeve of mine. I deffinately like to surf through and find original layouts, but if there isn't one, I won't turn my back.

My layout changes every other month or so, but I always try and stick with my "hard rain" theme. At the time of this interview, I have a picture of my grandmother and me. She's really special to me, and has always been part of that umbrella I have. She has always been there for me, and I thought it fitting to express that.

Tell us about your close relationship with your grandparents - and what are the things that make your grandmother laugh?

When I was between four and seven, my mom was working the 3-11 shift as a labor and delivery nurse. Since I was in pre-school, as well as elementary school, by the time I got home, she would be going into work. During this time, I hardly saw her, and I spent most of my time with my grandparents. Since they were both retired at this point, they both found it their new jobs to spoil me.They became the next best thing to my mom. My grandmother and I would make biscuits and pound cakes from scratch, spending lots of time in the kitchen just talking. My grandfather would sit with me, and bestow upon me his words of wisdom. Perhaps that's how I have the "old soul" that I have now, my grandparents were my best friends. My grandparents gave me all the love they had,and then some, and I will never forget it.

Since my grandmother stroke, which left her a prisoner of her own mind, not allowing her to talk, or even control her bladder, I try and make her life the best it can be. I tell her funny stories of working at the vet office, jokes I have heard, I love hearing her laugh. Other times, I just put my head in her lap, and let her stroke my hair. It's those times that I miss her the most. I'll always have memories though, and there, she will live forever.

You admit to having difficulty in talking about your feelings towards humans. You work with animals, and in this entry, show us a snippet of your soft side towards your "patients". Are animals easier to love?

In a way, I think I do have an easier time loving animals. I have an easier time understanding them, as strange as it sounds. I connect with them instantly, a connection that I have a hard time making with people. I don't want to sound like an anti-social people hater, because I'm not. I guess I have just been hurt a few times in the world of love, especially by my ex step-father, it just made me close myself off. An animal has never hurt me, so I guess I open myself up to them more. They have always been my best friends. The people in my life have had to learn that if one of my animals wants they couch, they have to get off. My animals rule my house. I have gotten better, however, at letting people in. It's a long road ahead, but I am trying.

You mention mental illness in your diary. How does it affect yourlife?

My mental illness has really been a bump in the road of my life. It caused me to have to quit highschool in tenth grade. I have been trying to overcome that by homeschooling, but I am still having problems, due to medication and such. Hopefully, by January, it will be resolved. I want to be a vet, and I am not going to let it get in my way. It has also made my life in general very hard, for a long time, I couldn't even call and order a pizza on the phone. I logically knew how stupid it was, but I still had panic attack after panic attack. I have been fighting to over come it, and I have faith that I will. I won't let it run my life.

If you could assume the shape and life of any fantasy creature, what would it be and why?

Okay, this is actually the hardest question so far. I've put a lot of thought into it, and, after much debating, I decided that I couldn't say just one. There are two that had me stuck. Dragon, and Unicorn.

I would choose to be a dragon, because I have always been facinated with them. When I think of a dragon, I think of beauty, wisdom, intelligence. These creatures have always seemed so noble. I don't see some fierce, fire-breathing creature, but more of an Anne McCaffrey type dragon. A friend. I have always loved the thought of flight, of being able to soar through the air, wind in my face. To me, dragons have always reprisented inner strength, and therefore, represent a part of me.

Then, there is the unicorn. Shy, elegant, magical. To be a creature, so mystic, so..amazing. I have always been in love with unicorns, perhaps because of my love of horses, but I think it's something deeper. Unicorns seem to know all the secrets of the soul. They are beauty, and grace. They are a creature, that appears so fragile on the outside, but, on the inside, posesses the wisdom, and strength to get through anything.

Both of those creatures remind me so much of myself, maybe I would just be a mix of the two..a strange creature it would be.

Interviewed by GingerBug

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