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Today's Interview: th3dhorseman

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I don't think there is a short bio of me. A lot can happen in 19 years. I'll give it a go though.

Around January or February of 1982, my parents decided to get it on, and my mom got pregnant. She thought she'd be cast out of the family, but because she's good people, she didn't get an abortion, and on October 15th of that same year, she gave birth to me in St. Boniface hospital in Winnipeg MB. 3 years after that, she left my dad, and when I was 4, she got married to this guy Pat. With him, they moved to Edmonton, neglecting to tell my father where I was. I was a celebrity in that there were 'Missing Dave' communications spreading across Canada. I was tracked down, but still had to live with my mother and stepdad until I turned 8. My stepdad was an abusive alcoholic yada yada for most of these years. When I was 8, my real dad moved to Edmonton and I've been living with him since. In elementary school I was the kid everyone thought picked his nose and I had about 3 friends until I hit high school and was accepted by the punk rock misfits of McNally Composite High School. Things have been much better since then.

Why did you choose this username?

I picked th3dhorseman because thirdhorseman was too long to fit in the form in diaryland username selection. The story behind the name goes like this: In grade 11, I needed a quarter one day. My friend had a quarter, but she wanted something in return for it. I had 4 wooden matches in my pocket, and I said she could have them for the 25 cents. My friend Mike was walking by, and for some reason associated the 4 matches with the 4 Horsemen of the Apocolypse. He took the matches and gave one to himself, one to me, and one each to 2 other people. We decided which Horseman we wanted to represent (I got Famine), and from then on, have had a secret little mini-club based on the 4 Horsemen. We'd have little meetings and discuss which wars, famines, and plagues we were responsible for around the world and all in all it was great fun. Anyways, given that Famine is the 3rd horseman (I think you know where this is going) I decided to use th3dhorseman as my user name.

Why do you keep a diary online?

That's something I've been trying to figure out for a good long time now. When I first started it was an outlet to vent my teen angst and have a cool addition to the webpage I had at the time. People started telling me I was a good writer, so I kept it up so I could say all the things I wanted people to know I think about, but things that are a little tricky to bring up in conversation. On that note, I think all my refrences to masturbation become self-evident. For a while it was my way of saying that I was unhappy with my girlfriend at the time without having to actually come out and tell her. I knew she'd read it, so I'd say she made me mad, then later she'd bring it up and we'd talk about it. Right now, I think I do it so I can have something of mine that'll last. Maybe someday I'll save it all and give it to my kids so they can read it and be like "Wow, that's what dad was like when he was 19.". It's basically to have something of a Time Capsule of my thoughts and stories. I think I think a lot clearer with my writing too. I'll have an idea and think "Wow, I should write about that." and as I type it out, I'll develop the thought a lot more and get a better understanding of whatever I'm talking about.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Layouts for a web-based diary? I don't know. I must not think it's very important, because aside from "That's a cool looking journal." I don't think I've ever given it much thought. I guess it's one way for people to customize the medium for their self expression outlet, which is good. At the same time, I think a really good diary might not have a very good layout because maybe that guy has better things to do with his life than play with html tags on his diaryland thing. Content matters a lot more than the colors surrounding it. Mine looks the way it does because I think green is a good looking color, and I was tired of the black and yellow depressed look that it used to have. Plus, I don't have a whole lot more to do with my time than sit around at 2 in the morning playing with html tags.

You shared with us: "Curiousity has become my default emotion in regards to things lately" Tell us what you mean by that?

I almost remember saying that. That's a good question. I find that I look at the world and it intrigues me a lot more than it scares me, or fills me with sadness/happiness or whatever. I'm cool to just sit and wonder how this or that will play out, or why this person said or did this and that. That's why really controversial things in the media and stuff are my bread and butter. I want to know why people get so mad about what this guy said, or what those people did. It's not limited to "bad" things though. Friends, family, and girlfriends all fascinate me.. just watching interactions play out in their day to day way. What it basically ends up coming to is me wondering "Why?" about a lot of stuff that people usually take for granted. At the time I wrote that, I think a lot of things were up in the air, and I figured instead of swimming against the current and worrying about it, I'd just wait and see.

What's life going to be like when your life is "Vibrant"?

Hm.. well.. That's tough to say. All I know is that if I knew what a 'Vibrant' life was like, I'd be living it right now. If anything though, it's that night someday when I go to bed and don't think "Aw man, I have to do the same thing tomorrow." When maybe I'll have a girlfriend that doesn't ditch me after a month or 2, or when I don't get tired of her after a short time and I can learn and grow in a full on good relationship. When I have a job that I can look forward to and *want* to be at as opposed to having a job that's all right, but far from a dream career for me. Maybe my vibrant life will be when I have a lot more good things to think about than less than good things.

What do you do when you are bored?

Usually whatever strikes my fancy at the time. When I had my car, I'd go cruise around and just see what I could see. I find when I'm really bored I end up banging out entries on diaryland a lot. Anytime when you see 4 or 5 entries from one night it's because it's too late to go out, and I have no idea what else to do to kill the time before I get tired enough for sleep. Video games get me by sometimes. I watch a lot of movies, and I'll read back entries of people's diaries that I like. When it's not 2:00 am, I'll usually go see what my friends are up to, and we'll go drinking, or hang out and do nothing and be bored with people around for company.

If you could be any super hero in the world, which one would you be, and why?

I'd be He-Man. Without hesitation. Definitely He-Man. I don't think you can get much more hero-ish than He-Man. Giant green tiger thing named BATTLE CAT to ride around on, beating up monsters all day with his friends and their cool technology. Plus, he tried to teach children about living a good life at the end of the episodes. A good role model is a good thing to have. Anyone who could fight giant robot lizards for half an hour, and learn something from the experience is a-okay in my books. Plus, he had power. Masters of the Universe. That's a big claim. Master of the Universe. Can you imagine? The responsibility would be enormous. I can barely keep my room clean, and he's out running a Universe. That to me sounds like someone who's got his stuff together.

Interviewed by Trinity63

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