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Today's Interview: Jenluvsyou -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

Well, I'm 17, going on 23. I'm a high school student, unfortunately. I want to go to school, become an attorney, get married to a great guy and have a marriage of sheer happiness. I am ambitious and a smart-ass and cool and my diary is cool and you are cool and everyone is cool and I hate having to give a short bio of myself because they always come out the same, no matter how you try to switch it up. So all I can say is read my wonderfully fantastic diary and interpret it from there. :)

Why did you choose this username?

It's kind of a funny story actually. I was searching member profiles on AOL for people who went to my school and I came across this girl I knew. Her screen name was her name followed by 'luvsyou' so I copied. And then it all worked out because my diary layout is "I Love Lucy" and Jenluvsyou and it's cool and, yeah, um, next question!

Why do you keep a diary online?

For some reason-which I still have to find within myself-I don't express my feelings to people. I express my emotions to my dog and myself. I don't cry in front of people. I guess that you could say I'm guarded. And this is my way of expressing my deepest inner thoughts and feelings and I basically expose my heart for the world to see because I have to get it out someway and I feel this is the only way because of how I am.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

A layout is very important for a diary. It shows people something about you. If you no longer have a Diaryland template, it shows that you have creativity and you care about your diary and making it look good. And I don't know about you, but when I enter a diary and I see a Diaryland template on there, I exit as fast as I can because I can't stand to look at them--lol. My layout is great! I absolutely love it. I LOVE Lucy. She is funny as anything and every single picture of her makes me crack up. And she crushes grapes. Yeah!

I've noticed that you seem to have many different sides to you. What side do you like the most? The least?

I have many different sides. I depend and love how I can speak my mind, be opinionated, intellectual, sarcastic, witty, fun and being in touch with my feelings-even if I don't express them-is something I am proud of in myself too. But, on the other hand, I'm damn ashamed that I feel as if I can't show too much emotion to close ones. I don't know why either which makes me even more upset since I pride myself on knowing how I feel and this is the one thing I don't yet have figured out. I put up a front that I hate and I wish I could throw away, but it's hard to do.

You sound like you have great friends. What makes them just so fantastic?

The people listed in this entry are still my friends, but as happens with all friends, we have become distant. You know, found our own groups of friends. I have a new group of close-knit, best friends who I feel this same way about, but the friends I mentioned in this particular entry are still in my mind all the time. I will forever thank them for everything they did and do and I'll be eternally grateful. With them, I knew I could be myself, with nothing to prove. I despise superficiality and none of these people were. We all came from different backgrounds and different life stories and we just fit together like a puzzle.

Thanks for sharing how you feel/felt about Chris. How has that experience helped you grow as a person?

Whenever I think about him I still cry. I miss him so incredibly much. He was a great person and it's heartbreaking to have him gone, but I take everything he was and apply it to my everyday life and myself. He was funny, caring, always able to brighten your day with his endless jokes and shameless flirting, he was his own person and was never without a smile on his face, attempting to put one on yours. I could only hope to be the kind of person he was. Because of his death, I don't take people for granted, I no longer get it petty fights and stupid arguments that last longer than they should because I just want to prove a point. I'm grateful that Chris knew I loved him dearly, but I may not be so lucky the next time a tragedy like this takes place so I don't hold grudges or become distant from close ones anymore because you never know when you may not see them again.

Your site pays homage to I Love Lucy. What is your favorite episode of the show?

All of them!! To ask me to pick just one episode is an impossible request. I'll have to get back to you with this one--lol.

Interviewed by Brandi

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