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Today's Interview: Loungelizard

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

Hmmm....I'm a forty-something male, musician/graphic artist, Father to three boys, like long walks on the beach, cuddling on the couch, and my turn-ons are...oops!...that was a different questionnaire! I have a strong preference for Rubenesque women, I don't like the anorexic skinny model-types, I think it's what's inside that counts... and I'm generally thought of as easy-going and gregarious...and a bit sensitive...I used to cry at that damn Hallmark Christmas commercial about the little girl giving the old man a sweater for Christmas...I have salt-and-pepper hair and beard, and I'm categorized as the "Teddy-Bear" all-time favorite band is Steely Dan. I tend to have a sarcastic if not cynical outlook on life, and am just a few brain cells short of a sandwich.

Why did you choose this username?

A "Loungelizard" to me is either a guy who wears polyester leisure suits with medallions and tries to pick up divorced mothers of nine kids at the local hotel lounge, OR...he's the member of the band that plays to that crowd! That's me...back in the 80's, I was in a band traveling around the country doing just that. I do have quite a few stories from that era of my life, which will eventually seep into my diary on those slow and not-too-creative days.

Why do you keep a diary online?

Someone turned me on to Uncle Bob a couple months ago, and I was hooked! Soon I was reading every diary I could, and they are all so interesting! Every one of us has a story of life to tell, and Diaryland is the perfect place for that! Part of my job at the Missouri Senate involves creative writing, so it was a great outlet for me to express myself "outside the box", so to speak. I have also discovered that I actually have some readers!! Although my diary is taken from my real life, I still have trouble expressing the darker side of my life, mainly because I don't keep my real identity a secret as such, and thus could hurt those who actually know me, but I will eventually expound upon it when I get the notion. I really just enjoy all the attention! I've been told I am a funny guy, but I just call 'em like I see ' is SUPPOSED to be funny!

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Well, here I am a graphic artist and I use a template, so I guess that speaks for me. Actually, I'd love someone to help me design a nice page with tables, I really love the way they look. I've asked a few folks for help, but I know they're busy...I don't know nothin' 'bout no tables...but I do think content is the key. I find that although a nice page is attractive, I read them for content first, and design second. I have some ideas for graphics, though, that I'd like to use, but I'm no HTML guru...Anybody wanna help me?? *sad puppy eyes*

Tell us all about your addiction? How it started, when it became an addiction?

My addiction is playing music...I am a bona fide music slut. Any band, any style, any time...It's all I ever wanted to do, really, and I have made my living at it several times in my life. So when the phone rings, and someone needs a drummer or guitarist, I pretty much drop everything and go....I tell everyone that I started playing music so I could get laid without having to learn how to dance...heehee...but I really love playing music and even if I'm sick or depressed, it's like a drug...I feel better when I'm onstage.

When I was twelve, my grandmother threw a huge party, and had a small jazz combo playing. I was mesmerized by the drummer, an older black man who smiled his ass off all night. He was having so much fun! I asked him questions about the drums all night, and when the party was over, he asked my grandmother if he could leave his drums there for a few days so I could play on them!! What a cool guy! I was up at dawn the next morning wanting to hit those tubs!

I got addicted the first time I played for a crowd and the crowd was having a great time. The feeling you get when the crowd locks in to what you are doing is unbelievable. You don't get that every time, but you get it a lot.

You have shared with your readers you are going through a divorce. First of all, I am very sorry, divorces are not fun (I went through one as well -- and I am with you Lawyers suck). How are you coping, and what lessons have you learned?

Well, that's a tough question...and no, it's not fun at all. Especially when kids are involved. But, you know, in my wife's defense, it's not easy being married to a musician, because the desire for that art always comes first. At least it does with me, even though I would like myself better if I weren't as selfish about it. But it is something I have always done, this music thing of mine, and I cling to it like a security blanket. God help the person who is with me at the time of my life where I actually have to stop playing - I will no doubt be a grouchy old bastard! LOL And to be honest, at this point in my life, I'd like to think I've learned SOMETHING, but I have my doubts--how do I cope? What else? Playing music...LOL

Do you believe in Life on other planets, UFO's Aliens etc..? Why or why not?

I most definitely DO believe that there is intelligent life on other planets...and that they're smart enough NOT to land HERE!!!LOL But hey, look at the vastness of space...I have no doubt that there are other civilizations out there somewhere. It is pompous to think that we are alone in the universe. I don't really buy into the UFO phenomena though, because I think that any real life contact would hit the media no matter how hard the government tried to hush it up. But I have to have HARD EVIDENCE to think "they" are actually here....and it will happen eventually...whether we discover THEM or they discover US.

If you could be anyone's boobs, whose would you be?

What a cool question!...well, they'd have to be a big pair of natural, no-silicone-heavy hangers, and if I WERE a pair of boobs, I wouldn't want any guys touchin' me, so I guess they'd have to be lesbian boobs too...

My gawd, this question has so many answers...hmm...big, bouncy, natural, NO SILICONE, healthy boobs on a chubby girl who masturbates a lot...that's whose boobs I'd want to be!! And I'd never leave the house!! LOL

Interviewed by Trinity63

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