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Today's Interview: dyingdreamer

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

Well, this should solve a lot of interesting mysterires, since I rarely talk about this kind of stuff in my diary. On a not so important day in the not so important city of Fresno, CA, I first graced the earth with my presence. Now, 15 years later, after many traumatizing moves across the country, I am living in the Hicksville of California: Bakersfield. (They walk SHEEP here, people). I'm a sophomore in highschool, I have a boyfriend named Nick. I spend the majority of my time lying on my back listening to music, thinking, or both. I don't like myself much. But, I do have a "minor" obsession with the stars (whcih I have wasted countless wishes on), and I love music more than life itself. shrugs It must all balance out somewhere.

Why did you choose this username?

I think it kind of explains itself, but I'll babble on about my name anyway. When I was younger, I used to be full of dreams and hopes and ambitions. I wished on stars thinking that maybe someday it would come true. Now it seems all my dreams have died. The only thing I dream of now is when I'm old enough to leave this town and live out of my Volkswagon bus.

Why do you keep a diary online?

Hmm... Good question. Honestly, I have no idea how I first discovered online diaries or Diaryland. All of a sudden, I just began writing in one. It must be fate. I have tons of paper diaries that I also write in constantly, but I prefer typing out my entires because my fingers on a keyboard can keep up with my flow of thought a lot better than pen and paper. Thus, my writing on here is much more emotional, and not sensored or formulated at all.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

It's a very nice thing to have, if you can. I believe though, if your writing is beautiful enough, it can make a reader forget that Diaryland template and completely lose themselves in your words. My layout is the result of my insomnia. I made the graphic myself. The original pencil sketch was drawn by Kitsune, who is an absolutely incredible artist.

Tell me about your world that you often retreat to?

Ah... "My World." I've never been an extrovert. I still prefer sitting around thinking or working on my walls to going out to some "huge bash." For about two years when I was hit with the worst period of my depression, the only place that I felt I could be safe was in my head. I became more withdrawn, and eventually formed and shaped a world within my brain all to my liking. I don't really go there anymore, but for awhile it was a major part of my life.

What prompted you to write your most controversial article?

"Prep Like Me" was my baby. I'm typically classified as "punk" or "goth" or some other stupid stereotype at my school, so one day I dressed "preppy" and wrote about my experiences. Why did I do it? Sheer morbid curiosity. The article caused a huge stir on campus, I had people threatening to beat me up. I really got a kick out of that.

Tell me about your struggle with Anorexia. (I read your poem, and cried)

During my freshman year I was at my all time low. What had once been a mere dislike for myself turned into an all out loathing. I believed I was grotesque, and fat. How could anyone ever love me when I looked so hideous? So, I decided I didn't need to eat. More than the fatness aspect of it, I stopped eating because I needed to be in control of something. I relished the pain of starving each day. No one really knew about my problem, except for my best friend at the time. Of course, people noticed the loss in weight and all that, but no one suspected that I was anorexic. I struggled with it for about a year, until finally I decided the shit needed to stop. With the help of my best friend, I slowly began eating like a human again. It was at this time that I made the dcision to stop cutting as well. Letting go of my "control" was one of the hardest and most painful things I've ever done.

We here at Interview always have one silly question -- So her goes: "tell me your favorite joke" (and yes it can be dirty)

How many "hardcore!" punks does it take to put in a lightbulb? Answer: Four. One to actually change the lightbulb, one to kick the chair out from underneath the guy who's changing the light bulb, another to laugh and tell the guy who kicked the chair how "hardcore!" that was, and the fourth one to get drunk and pass out in the corner.


Isn't my wit just ASTOUNDING?? ^_^

(P.S. This was possibly the highlight of my day. Thank you!)

Interviewed by Trinity63

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