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Today's Interview: offence -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I am 16 years old, female, Chinese and Singaporean. I'm doing my final year of secondary school and will be graduating on the 28th of November, 5 months before the release of the O Level results, which would, in a nutshell, determine one's future. I'm a terrible student as in I ace 3 out of my 8 subjects and fail the rest. I'm motivated only when 1) I'm interested in the subject; 2) there is a tangible reward at the end of it all; and 3) other people's grades are worse than mine. My dream job is to write professionally, because writing to me is therapy, and I cannot imagine anything more shiok (Singapore slang for 'cool') than being paid to write. I have been told I'm mature for my age, even my teachers, but I really don't know. And lastly, I suck at bios.

Why did you choose this username?

Because I could not think of anything creative and cool that would make people go 'wow'. Seriously. I sat in front of the computer for a good ten minutes, straining my poor braincells for something cool, but nothing occured to me except 'offence', of all things. So I said, forget it, just take this one, and the rest is history.

Why do you keep a diary online?

For the adoring fans. They lap up my words like dogs would lap up water...ha, ha, ha, I am just kidding. It was purely out of boredom. That's all. And I have discovered the kicks of getting honest, constructive feedback, and having people kiss my ass from various review sites. All in all, diaryland is a cool community.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Pretty important, because I will not stay on to read the words if I cannot stand how the diary is presented. There are actually things worse than diaryland templates, and they are layouts that have links cluttered all over the place, layouts with dark text on dark background, making reading the words a real impossibility, one that I don't care to try. If you want readers, get a layout that is okay to look at. As for mine, it suits me at the moment because I am in my first ever relationship, especially the words 'missing you'. Due to my commitment to my schoolwork, I have little or no time left for my boyfriend, and naturally I miss him everyday. I also like the picture of the hugging couple. They look very cosy and that is how I imagine me and Gen to be.

You offer your life philosophy to your readers. Do you really stick to such a philosophy all the time? When do you stray from it?

I'm sorry, life philosophy? What's that? I wrote that entry while high on the triumph of suddenly passing my perpetual nemesis, Mathematics, and I definitely subscribe to the importance of hyperboles, so I tend to exaggerate things sometimes. On the other hand, I was first introduced to the concept of 'carpe diem' by the movie 'Dead Poets Society', a deeply inspiring and moving film (I don't care what everyone says; Robin Williams is a great actor). The students were encouraged in the movie to seize the day, to be creative, to be themselves. I identified with that. I don't believe in living a life full of apprehension and negative anticipation. I don't believe in looking behind me every moment of the day. Sometimes, one has simply gotta jump and to take a chance. There is no point in living if one only wants to be secure in one's own security blanket. It's asking for stagnancy, another thing that I believe is absolutely terrible. What is living if we are not challenged?

There is nothing greater than an amazing kiss. Do you still get like that when he kisses you?

Oh my god, I cannot re-read that entry without wincing. You have to understand that I had just been kissed, and it was an amazing first kiss from an amazing guy whom I had a huge crush on for months. I was giddy from the excitement, and when I'm giddy, my writing turns to shite. Seriously. Of course, I don't turn into an incoherent airhead when Gen kisses me, but the tingling sensation at the pit of my stomach is still there. It's always there, even when I think about him. Having said that, I don't think he's The One. I've had many doubts about our relationship, but I thought, 'carpe diem', and told myself to shut up.

Your diary provides a disclaimer for those who know you in everyday life. Has your diary ever provided you with any personal complications? If so, do you regret what you wrote? Would you change it?

I haven't had any complications due to my entries so far, and I hope I won't ever have to be in that kind of sticky situation. But I won't change anything even if something had happened. The whole purpose of a diary is to tell the truth, and fixing even one-tenth of what is real would be defeating the purpose of a diary. Ultimately, it would be pointless. So I suppose if things do get bad, I will simply have to lock it up.

If you could ask your three favorite Diaryland diarists each one question, who and what would you ask?

Blacwynter: Why are you always so hard on yourself? Will I ever get it through to you that you are a brilliant writer with an incredible eye for details and imagery?

Nicole: How on earth do you put up with your parents?

Afrai: Honestly, a wooden elephant named Cao Cao? What are you on??

Interviewed by Brandi

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