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Today's Interview: sweetabsence -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

My name is Jenny and Im 17 years old. I will be a HS senior this fall. I was born on November 8th, 1984 (which makes me a Scopio). I live in a north western suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I live with my parents and my older brother. I am ambitious person, always striving to do things well and complete things. I am a closet perfectionist. I'm bad at lying because I have a guilty conscious. Being a good friend and listener is important to me. I am honest yet blunt, although I don't think the blunt side comes out in my diary much (?). I gossip way too much. I am positive and very optimistic, which even annoys me at times. I'm a worrier, often over small stuff. Blah...short bio? This is enough.

Why did you choose this username?

Absence is the state of being away. It seemed to perfectly reflect many parts in my life. It is who I was growing up, in relation to who I am today. It's the desire to get away and experience what life "really" is...It is a lot of things.

Why do you keep a diary online?

A long time ago, I used to have a personal website called Peachy Innocence. I closed it because it didn't really reflect me. I started a online diary because it satisfied my need to create a website, and this site clearly reflected who I was. I always feel the need to express myself in some kind of writing and this is an outlet for that.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

When you break it down, it isn't all that important to have a fabulous layout for your diary. The reason that you have a online diary is for the soul purpose of writing. The content is the most important part of a diary. Sometimes I find diaries that have professional looking layouts, distracting. But I would be a hypocrite if I didn't say that I don't enjoy making layouts for my own diary. I have never used a diaryland template. In fact, I hate them. I think there ugly, boring and trashy. Honestly, I have went to diaries that I'm sure have wonderful content but I didn't pause to read them because they have a diaryland template. So when it comes down to it: It isn't important to have an amazing layout but you should learn a little HTML. You don't have to get fancy, even I get lazy. For example, my current layout has one image and tables. Sweet and simple, people.

You value friendships highly, and the one between you and your mother seems to be growing in a positive way. Have you two always been so close?

No, we haven't always been close. We used to have our share of fights and disagreements. She used to say that she doesn't understand who I am. But that was when I was younger and when I didn't even understand myself. But I think those spats are pretty normal between most mother daughter relationships. Back then there was more pressure to have the perfect mother daughter relationship because my Mom wanted the relationship that her and my Grandma didn't have when she grew up. But it wasn't going to happen until I was ready. After while everything seemed to fall into place. I think that right now is the perfect time to start growing the relationships with both my parents. I am almost 18 and the parent child relationship is going to be lifted when I leave for college. I hope that it continues to grow into a friendship where we can see each other eye to eye.

You've got some big decisions to make with college, how do you think your family will support you?

Aww, college. No wait its more like...AHHH!!! =) Okay, okay enough of that. I think my family will be totally supportive of my decision to go to college. Its something that is totally new to my family. My Mom is the only that went to school to become a LPN nurse, after she graduated from high school. My older brother didn't go because of his mild learning disabilities and because of his depression/GAD. My Dad dropped out of HS when he was 16, got his GED and went straight out into the working world. I want to become a creative writing teacher. My passion is writing and I value education. I think I have found my calling. Get paid to share my passion with others? I'm all for it.

Do you think you hold a "fairy tale" view on love?

I think that I used to. My fairy tale views on love came when I started to have more feelings for a very close guy friend that went beyond the lines of friendship. For a long time in my diary I referred to him as Prince Charming. <*a href="*>One day I realized that calling him Prince Charming some how made him and my feelings that I had for him, fictional. I wanted it to be real. I wanted to be honest with my feelings about him. So I started to use his real name (Adam) when I wrote about him in my diary. But there are some aspects that I still keep. I do believe in fate - I think that if me and Adam are suppose to be together then we will. That's the view I have been keeping for the time being because he has recently started to date this girl. It certainly sucks to see someone that you have this big connection with, with another person. The time spend with him is all about her and it feels like you cant get away from the fact that his eyes are one someone else now. And you - You are still just a friend.

A guy with adorable curly hair asks you out, he has a bit of a trouble makers smile, would you accept and if so, where would you go?

Hey now. Your talking about that cute guy that works at Applebees that I wrote about awhile back. I've gone back a couple of times and I haven't seen him around. No big loss there. I usually see a guy that I think is cute, then when I talk to them I find out that they have no personality what so ever. I don't know if its just the guys around here or if its just me. Any ways. So would I except? Probably. We would probably go have a picnic at Lake Calhoun and roller blade, later on meet up with some friends, go see a band play or see some art uptown (but that might be torturous for him). ;) Or if he really is a trouble maker like we think he is, then I think our date would bit more spontaneous then that.

Interviewed by Deepblueday

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