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Today's Interview: Rilana -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

Hmmmm...a short bio. Well, I am 28 years old, happily married, mother of two daughters. I have three wacky cats that rule my home. I live in the Seattle/Tacoma, WA area. I love the Northwest. I am also a Witch, or Wiccan if you prefer, and have been for over 5 years now. I am a Type I Diabetic and trying to control it isn't always easy.

Why did you choose this username?

I used to have a diary under the name "Zandra." That was my screen name for everything for years. And one morning I woke up, this past January and I knew it was time for a change. I signed up for a new diary under the name of "rilana." I have no really interesting stories behind my chosen username other than the fact that "rilana" is my real first name.

Why do you keep a diary online?

This is a hard question to answer. I began writing in my online diary to keep my family and close friends up to date on what was happening in my life. I think after that my diary became my self-discovery and my voice. I found that I love to write, more than initially thought. Now, the same reasons I stated before still apply today, but there is more. I write for me mostly and occasionally for entertainment purposes. I enjoy telling people about my day or things that are important to me. I love people to identify with me on things. I also use my diary to whine. Is that a good reason? I am not much of a whiner in real life, But I feel I can get away with it in my diary. LOL! I also write some what in my diary about my beliefs. I want people to see that Witches lead normal everyday lives, just like them. We aren't bad. We are Moms, Wives and normal.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

In my personal opinion I think layout is important. Of course, so is the diary content. But when I surf diaryland I notice the "look" before I see anything else. I am a big believer in individualism and personality. I intensely dislike the diaryland templates too. Sorry, Andrew. I will admit...if the design of a diary is catchy...I will stay to read it. If not, I usually leave pretty quick. Is that shallow of me? Probably. I am into visuals.

My diary design is ever-changing. I get bored with one look and Poof, I will change it. I like my diary design to be simple and elegant. Less is more. I am not sure if other visitors enjoy my design. But I like it and this is all that matters to me. I am a bit of a perfectionist with my designs.

I haven't ever met a real witch before. Would you please share with us what it means to be a witch, and how you came to choose this path in your life?

Well to me being a Witch is being in tune with nature, the seasons and the moon. It takes a strong enough person to stick with it, in the face of bigotry and diversity. Since my becoming a Witch my attitudes have changed immensely. I have more power, self confidence and I am into politics and ecological issues, more so than ever. I like who I am and I think this all has a lot to do with my becoming a witch. I have asense of freedom from the norm. I am different, I know this and I revel in it.

How did I choose this path? Well, I was raised Pagan, pretty much. My father is Pagan and has been since before I was even born. As a child I learned to respect nature, the seasons, and even the spirit world. I dabbled with the idea of witchcraft in High School, but I did not stick with it. It was a phase. I was 22 years old and I was walking around the "new age" section and I found a book on Wicca. I grabbed it, bought it and read the entire book in one night. From that point on, I just knew. I was a Witch. I called my Father the next day and told him that I am going to dedicate myself to the Goddess and the Earth. He told me..."Welcome...and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?" And that was the beginning of my path.

Your children sound delightful, and you of course the proud mom. What kinds of things are you doing to prepare them for the world in this day and age?

This is another tough question. This is a tough world to deal with even for me. Well, I am teaching them Wicca. I don't expect them to follow this path when they are old enough to decide. But I do want them to be knowledgable about it. I teach them to respect our earth. We do not litter, we are very big animal lovers. Children also nowadays don't have a lot of respect for others...look at the news daily and you see kids doing some pretty horrific things. I teach my girls respect. To respect others who are different, no matter beliefs, size, color, etc. I also have drilled into them, about school and learning. An education is a wonderful thing and even when they are out of school, you never stop learning. My daughters are smart girls and I am sure they will get far in life. I just want them to take the right paths and always do the right thing. Okay, a few mistakes are allowed. LOL! It is tough to raise kids in this day and age.

You share in your diary about being diagnosed with Type I diabetes. Tell me how this has affected your life?

Being a Type I Diabetic has totally altered my life. Now, 8 years later I am accustomed to the differences. But when I was diagnosed at was very hard. My diet had to completely changed. The sweets that I used to love dearly were now mainly off limits. I had to learn to take injections of insulin several times per day. I used to be very afraid of needles. That is not the case anymore. The worst part of being diabetic is having a "low blood sugar." This is the worst feeling in the world. I have even been unconscious a few times in 8 years. It scares me to be home alone with my girls in the fear that something would happen. I taught my girls at an early age that if Mommy passes out to call 911. I think I eat healthier now, since being diabetic. I should exercise more...But I am working on that. We can't all be perfect. I think the most major change in my life that Diabetes has given me is "knowing my body." I can feel when a low blood sugar comes on. I can feel when my blood sugar is too high. It is hard to explain. And I won't lie...being diabetic is hard to deal with and I dislike it. I am hoping and praying for a cure oneday. I want to be done with it.

I am infamous for the last question of Interview, it's the silly one. So rilana! What the best spell you could ever cast, and who would you cast it on, and why?

Oooooh, good one. I had to think about it. If I could cast a spell on anyone, who would it be? Well, since it is almost the anniversary of 9/11. I would have to say Osama Bin Laden. I would cast a curse upon him to have to relive in his mind all the horrors he has performed...until he goes insane. Okay well, he is already insane...So how about until his head exploded? I also think a spell on the world for peace and harmony would be a good one too.

I think I will stick to my simple magick and brew some witchy tea and cast a spell for a wish to my friend who needs my help.

Interviewed by Trinity

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