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Today's Interview: nej -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I'm Nej. I was born 22 years ago in Los Angeles, CA, on the tail of a comet. It was neato. I don't do drugs, I don't watch teen sex comedies if I can avoid them, and I hate iceberg lettuce a whole lot. Otherwise, I sew a lot, I do well in school, and I'm addicted to "Super GALS! Kotobuki Ran."

Why did you choose this username?

Because I'm Nej. Besides, if I let a friend know where my diary is, and I have a username like fidgerpidgeon, they're likely to never find it again if they forget the username.

Why do you keep a diary online?

Why not? It's a way to publicly state your opinions without being censored or edited by someone else.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I'd say it falls under the "muy importante" category, as I usually don't like reading a diary that hasn't had any effort put into it. I needs my eye candy, in other words. As far as my current layout goes, it's very simple, but I think it's cute. No graphics or anything, just black background and pink text. I'm feeling very basic lately, not needing a whole lot of flashy stuff for myself.

Tell me about your soul -- what's in it, who possesses it?

My soul's got marbles and rice in it. I'm pretty sure I possess it, because I doubt anyone else would want a soul made of marbles and rice. Not both at once, anyway.

As we know sometimes the relationship with our parents is complicated at best, how is your relationship now with your father?

I think it's a good relationship. We're kinda like Homer and Lisa Simpson meet Beavis and Butthead. We've got a close relationship despite the occasional argument, and we tend to make a lot of ass jokes when you put us in the same room together.

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

I'd be healthier (though I am working on that), and I'd be able to find a job. And I'd have a pet monkey.

Okay here is your zany, silly, spoof question that we at Interview are so fond of asking -- "What can you make out of a big blanket, two sticks, a bottle of clue, a can of root beer, and a box of rocks?"

I could make a robotic monkey. He'd smell like cans, and would protect me using the ancient art of Monkey Kombat.

Interviewed by Trinity

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2:04 p.m.


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