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Today's Interview: deviltigress -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

Physically, I am a fifteen-year-old redhead from Scottsdale, Arizona. I am a sophomore in high school. My best friends, Cass and Sara, and my boyfriend, Garrett, are the best people in the world, and my life revolves closely around them. Music is a huge part of my life also, and I play the sax and sing. I swim and play basketball for my school. I am not a very shy person, and if I feel like doing something, I will go ahead and do it. I like to write fiction stories, but so far I haven't done anything big. I want to study psychology or photography in a good university. I am agnostic at this moment, although I was raised Methodist. I recently became a vegetarian, which actually is quite interesting.

Why did you choose this username?

Tigers are my favorite species of animal, and I am especially fascinated with tigress', who are the true leaders of their packs. The "devil" part of my username was because I could not think of any other words to preface "tigress" that weren't already taken.

Why do you keep a diary online?

My emotions are at the level of thirty-year-old married woman, but my youthful brain has not developed enough to handle the floods of the teenage depressions and glees. Having somewhere to vent where I know my emotions and thoughts will be respected and heard is something that empowers me and lets me truly be myself. I am often on the computer, so it is easier for me to stick with an online diary than a paper diary. Also, I often don't see the humor or value in things, and my diary is a place for me to be able to get above the stupidity of the teenage culture.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

The layout of a web-based diary is mildly important, because if the page is not appealing to my eyes I won't usually bother staying to read any of the content. However, the layout is not what a diary is about, and it can be simple and boring and still be a suitable layout. My layout, which had been the same since last September, recently changed. The layout that I now have up is a wonderful expression of the emotions that I feel every second I spend away from my boyfriend. He and I can simply lie there together, without saying or doing anything, and we both understand that love that we have. Our toes, however inanimate by themselves, are often company to each other.

You say that you want to be someone else. What would you change and keep about yourself if given the chance to become a "normal" person?

If I could change myself to be the person that I wish, I could make myself less sensitive and less intelligent. My sensitivity makes me overly emotional and controls my reactions to things. It makes me react badly to many situations that are not as bad as I conceive. My intelligence gives me the ability to realize how truly bad things can be. I see every side of things, and it often frightens me. I would also change my family life. My relationships with my mother, father, and brother are often strained and even violent.

You talk about your best friend, Cass, a lot in your diary. Although you have had some problems with her in the past, she still remains in your life. What has she brought to your life?

Cass has given me so many things that I don't even know if I can think to list all of them. She has always, regardless of everything, given me a shoulder to cry on and an ear to talk to. Cassie truly cares about me, which is something I don't feel a lot of people do. She has filled so many holes in my life, and has also helped me to find the strength to fill a lot of holes by myself. Cassie helps me be myself and helps be stronger.

As in this entry, you often sound self-reflective and/or sad in your diary. What makes you sad? Angry? Happy?

The one thing that makes me sad most often is when people force their standards on me and try to make me be more like them. I also don't like when people use those who are weaker than themselves. The only thing that makes me angry is stupid people, who are the largest part of the population of the world. The first thing that comes to my mind when asked what makes me happy is being with Garrett. I am truly in love with him and believe he is my soulmate. Spending time with Sara and Garrett together are the happiest times of my life.

If they were going to make a movie about your life, who would be in it? What would happen? Would you pay to see it?

I don't know of anyone who wants to play the part of me, but if I could choose someone, it would Lindsay Lohan. Not for any specific reason, but I think she's pretty. I think Keanu Reeves would play Garrett, because he is quite attractive and is also a good actor. I would think that Julia Stiles could play either Sara or Cass, because she is nice and pretty. During the movie, the people would sit around a house all day and listen to music, because that is what I do all day with my friends. I would definitely NOT pay to see it, because it would be a very boring movie.

Interviewed by Brandi

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