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Today's Interview: dickfts -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I'm Nikki. I'm a girl, and right now I'm in love. I'm in college, freshman year. I live and like living in the mid-west. I'm creative, and I write and paint to get rid of this festering creativity. I also draw, and I'm an amazing dancer. Not N*Sync/Brittney Spears dancing, but this raw and primal dancing you'd imagine being danced around a fire by naked women in the woods. I love music, I love independent films, I love reading, and I love the college life. I have a little sister who my soon-to-be boyfriend says I act more like a mom to than a sister. I'm just learning to feel comfortable in my skin, and most times, I'm a good friend and person.

Why did you choose this username?

It's my artistic acronym! For those who haven't read my diary, it stands for Dysfunctional Inner City Kid From The Suburbs. I originally wanted to DJ at local clubs under this name--Dick FTS--but I soon learned that I suck at the turntables. So instead I made an online diary with the name. Aren't you glad I did?? I sure am!

Why do you keep a diary online?

I keep a diary online for so many reasons. Mainly, I like to promote myself. Just kidding, just kidding. ;) Truthfully, I wanted, more than anything, to be able to have a comprehensive answer to the question "Who are you?" I was so painfully shy for such a long time, and that question just seemed so impossible to me. Where was I supposed to start? So I decided to jut myself right out into the world. "This is who I am!" is the theme of my diary. In having this forum to talk about myself without immediate judgment from someone standing two feet away from me, I've learned about myself. As the cliche goes, you know. Walking into a room of people know, I'm able to answer the impossible question.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I just changed my layout yesterday, actually :) Thanks to LexDesigns. I don't have the cash for a Gold membership, unfortunately, and I can't find a decent host. I do have this layout all planned and made, ready for uploading and for your viewing pleasure. Now I just gotta find me a host. Layout, in my opinion, is both important and not important. In my eyes, if you care enough about what you're writing to make your diary stand out, then you're worth reading. However, I'm not going to run screaming into the hills if I come across a Diaryland template. Not if the content is good. Like the quote from Pulp Fiction: "Personality goes a long way." The same can be said for content.

You talk about bisexuality in this entry and mention that you haven't truly "come out" yet. You also mention the fact that your straight male friends want to hear about gay/bi girl stories. Do you give them what they want - and if so, do you make up the stories?

When I say I haven't truly come out, I mean that I haven't told the world, if that makes sense. My good friends know, my old girlfriends DEFINITELY know, but I don't wear it on my sleeve or march in parades or anything. I wasn't really the type to come out and say, "Hi, I'm Nikki, I'm bi, nice shoes, how are ya?" I would skirt around the issue, play the pronoun game (instead of saying "she, her," I'd say "they, them"), you know the deal. However, my attitude about my bisexuality has changed quite a bit since I wrote that entry. I'm much much much more open than I used to be. Now, if someone asks about my dating situation, I wouldn't be so secretive about who it was. As I said before, one of the driving forces that inspired me to start this diary was to become more comfortable talking to people truthfully about myself. In this respect, at least, I feel like I've triumphed.

About my straight male friends--I've never had to make up a story, if you know what I mean... ;) But often, when the straight male friends who do know about my bisexuality ask for stories, I keep that to myself. What I do in the bedroom (living room, kitchen, bathroom...) is my and her business. The details are between us. But sometimes, just sometimes, I'll give them a pointer or two. ;)

Someone from your town was killed in a freak accident involving a gun. You never told us what kind of accident this was. Should all Americans have the right to own a gun?

The way she died was very odd and a one in a million thing. Her brother, home from the police academy, was showing her his issued gun, and it went off. She was shot in the stomach, and she died a couple hours later. I've heard that he since quit the academy.

It's so controversial, the subject of guns, and I'm not really sure where I stand. I will say that every time I think that I need a gun for protection, I remember a story about a father who took his family gun downstairs when he heard a noise at the door. In the dark and in his fear, he shot the "intruder," his daughter, and she died. The gun that was supposed to protect the people that meant the most killed the one who did. So if you want my opinion, I'm against myself owning a gun. As for others, who am I to judge what they think they need to feel safe?

You are working on a novel. Have you started writing it yet? What is your inspiration for it? Have you written any other stories?

My novel! I love talking about my novel! It's my baby. Okay, yes, it's in the very early stages of being written. I've got possibly 6 or 7 absolutely COMPLETE AND DONE pages of text out of the 70+ that I've written. The storyline, however, isn't even halfway completed yet, so I continue to write on. I draw it's inspiration from everything. From the people I meet, the music I hear, the movies I watch, the books I read. Everything. As a matter of fact, I just wrote in a character based on this guy I met a couple weeks ago, the one I'm falling in love with. (Read my diary for details!) My poor novel. I feel so sorry for it. The storyline changes every week, characters get ousted or added. It's been such a "work in progress" that I don't know if I'll ever get it done.

I write other stories all the time. I have a multitude of short stories that deal with varied topics. Basically, I write what I'm going through. However, my writing time lately is almost nonexistent. With college and friendships and trying to find real paying work, I barely have any time to myself. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I like having what so many others have told me about. I have a life! WOW!!

So...when you shop at Toys R Us, what do you buy?

I'm an action figure fiend. I have more action figures than I have brain cells.

Interviewed by GingerBug

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