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Today's Interview: gawain -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

Ah. sure. Im 23 or 24 or something. I live in Ohio, and I don't play well with others. Im a militant pacifist, which means I care about your right to peace so much, im willing to kill you over it. Michael Moore is my personal hero and role model, and I hope to one day be just like him. Except.. with more... swearing. Im a cat person, a computer geek, and in my off time I like to puncture dreams and destroy hope. I use notepad to write my html, and I make fun of you Frontpage users with the rest of my elitest friends.

Why did you choose this username?

For a couple reasons. The first is that i've always been a fan of Arthurian legend, and Sir Gawain was always my favorite knight. He was never really the main hero, that was always arthur and lancelot, but Gawain WAS always there, in the background, doing the best he could with the situation he was given. The second reason is that Gawain is the welsh spelling of my real name, which makes it easy to remember.

Why do you keep a diary online?

Mostly because I like to make people laugh. I don't have any deeper insights to share, or feelings to talk about. I try not to write about anything too personal, because normally the people that DO that kind of thing are just begging for attention and melodrama. I hate melodrama. Uncle Bob and I are fairly similar when it comes to our diaries I think. You don't see Bob expressing anything too profound either. Of course, that might just be because he's.. well... BOB.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I fuck with my layout whenever Im bored, really. I have this bad habit of creating websites and then just leaving them there to fester with no content. I like the CREATION process, but usually once that's done, im bored with the site itself. I think the most important aspect of layout should be simplicity, and readability. Everything else is just crap you throw on there cause you want people to think you're 1337.

You are obviously one very opinionated guy. But in a humorous way. I mean, knee slappin' fun-nay.(This entry proves it!). You can take serious situations and write about them light-heartedly. Do you deal with things this way in real life, or is it just an online escape?

Im not sure I've ever used (or thought of) the phrase "Knee Slappin' Fun-nay" but I suppose I could be described that way. And.. yes, I actually talk the same way I write (expletives and all) so you could say that's how I deal with things in real life. To me, life is so goddamn fucked-up half the time, I think the only thing we're here for is to make jokes. Once you start taking life seriously, you start realizing its not worth it.

Many of your entries center around the theme that "people suck." Why do you feel this way? Who are the people who have shaped this attitude?

Hrm. this is going to be a long answer.. In 1933, the nazies opened Dachau. In november of 1940, they sealed the camps and began exterminating the Jewish men and women held inside. In September of 1945, The united states dropped a bomb on Hiroshima that killed over 100,000 people: most of them civilians. In the 1950s, China invaded Tibet, and destroyed any and every piece of its culture that it could. The monastaries were brought to the ground, the peaceful monks who lived there were slaughtered, along with anyone who had a problem with the way the world worked. Its not a question of certain specific people who feel the need to own more than they have, and feel that violence or force is justified. There are no devious masterminds. The truth, the horrible truth, is that humanity is inherently evil. All of us. We're the dominate species on this planet, but only because of luck, mostly. We just happened to develope opposable thumbs before anyone else. It doesn't mean we're the best, just lucky. Humans are ugly, terrible creatures. We slaughter ourselves by tens of thousands, we breed discrimination and hate. We fill up an area, and then move on to the next, destroying everything we touch. We go to war based on the fact that an imaginary man in the sky told us it was ok. Our Gods tell us to hate. We pollute the planet, the only place we have to live. We use up resources that are one day going to end, and we don't give a rats ass, as we go hurtling into the pit of hell that we've created for ourselves. We're self destructive and hostile, distrustful and greedy. Any time some one rises from the rest of the shit and says something about it, we usually end up killing them to make an example for the rest of us. Eventually we will die, or be replaced, or simply vanish. Once our world is dead, no one will remember us, and rightly so. As a whole, I pretty much loathe my species. No one person has contributed to this, so I have no examples from my personal life, but I would like to point out that each era has its monsters.

I used to consider myself to be a humanist, that is, someone who feels that the welfare of humanity is the most important thing, above politics and gods and war. Now I consider myself to be the opposite of that. I am firm in the belief that humanity must die. As quickly as possible.

You readers followed the story of your career in the Japanese Craft place. You expressed a lot of emotions when writing about it [most of them negative]. It was quite the story to follow. Why was your story unique? Why did you wait so long to quit? How does the pojectionist job compare?

Well. Thats a loaded question, isn't it. I guess I inherently hated the place because it was the complete opposite of what I wanted to do with my life. When I was younger I saw myself designing websites or programming or something, and to have to resort to manual labor to pay the bills was probably the most depressing thing i've ever had to do. The other thing that bothered me about it was how good I was at it. Im a big strong guy. I move slow. I have to, or I tend to break shit. I fit right into the big dumb-guy stereotype, and that bothered the hell out of me. I waited so long to quit because thats how I was raised. Once you decide to do something, you do it. I was hired, so I did the best I could, even though I hated it. Oh. And the ninjas. I simply refuse to work with ninjas. They were constantly flipping around and throwing little metal stars and shit. Trust me, it gets old FAST. The projectionist job (which I no longer have as of last week) was rediculously easy, and required no actual work. Which is probably why my material went downhill.

In this entry, your wife used her bonus check to buy you a wonderful present. It's your turn. Let's say your next job gives you a huge bonus check. Now, you've already tried to give her the gift of porn. What are you going to get her now?

I don't know. I'm terrible at buying gifts, or remembering birthdays or holidays or anniversaries. Really, Im not a very good husband, I don't think. She's partial to jewelry, and by partial I mean obsessive, so probably something along that line. I generally don't buy baubles, I think they lack personality. "here honey, its a shiny rock. Enjoy." but for some reason she is really into that kind of thing.

Interviewed by Jenne

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