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Today's Interview: Miyuki

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I was born in Osaka, Japan in March of 1981. When I was six months old, I was adopted and came to the United States. I've spent almost my entire life in Maryland. I am a college student, majoring in graphic design. In my spare time, I sing and play bass in my band, Plastic Veil. I also play guitar, flute, piano, and keyboards. I have plans to become a fashion designer, and I plan on getting a degree in fashion from design in the near future.

Why did you choose this username?

Miyuki is my birth name, I choose it because it simply fits with who I am.

Why do you keep a diary online?

I keep a diary online because it helps me clear my mind and vent my frustrations, as well as preserve the sanity I have left.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I think a layout is important in that it is navigable. I designed my current layout based on how I felt at the time. I felt lost, confused, and torn between two worlds. It just seemed to work, and it felt right when I saw the final product.

I read that you found your birth mother in Japan. If you are comfortable, how did you go about doing that?

I went through the adoption agency in the United States. They contacted the adoption agency in Japan, who gave me the contact information for my mother.

I read with delight your entry about "Dating" -- share with us your dating philosophy

I think dating is overrated. There is a lot of emphasis on it. I'm perfectly happy being single. Or with someone. They each have their good points, but they each have their bad points too. I'm somewhat lukewarm with it at the moment.

You are a beautiful young lady -- do you find your looks help, or hinder your life?

It depends on what point of view I look at this from. It gets me a lot of attention, both positive and negative. It's definitely made some things easier, but it's made some things harder too. There is a place where good attention turns into bad attention, and I've definitely experienced that. I've thought about removing my physical appearance from my web sites, but what good would that do, really?

I really want to know about you and the raisin thing, will you share?

I was raised by a caucasian family. It is strange for me sometimes. I feel quite often like I am distant from my asian heritage, and I am often envious of friends of mine who were raised by asian parents. It just means that I have to work harder to be close to my heritage, but this does not change who I am. This is something I have discovered recently. It does not matter what race your family is from, it does affect you, but it does not change you. I am the same person I always was, and I don't think that anything can change that.

Interviewed by Trinity63

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