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Today's Interview: Nicronsart -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers

Hmmm a short bio of me. I never know what to say in these things. I live in a very very very, did I say very? small town in Virginia with my husband Shane and dog Chasey. I am a writer and published poet. I am pleased to say that I recently found out that I will have two of my short stories published as well as a novel. Whoohoo so I'm on my way! I'm 26 years old...err uh. I enjoy reading, role-playing with the small group that I have on the net and killing ye old brain cells upon our playstation. I have no need for kids; my husband and dog serve well in that capacity.

Why did you choose this username?

Nicronsart is a combo of my nickname and my real father called me Ronsart when I was younger. I have NO idea where he got the name but it has stuck...and Nic being another nickname given to my by my friends...shortened version of Nicole.

Why do you keep a diary online?

I chose to keep a diary online because it is a way to express myself�I can keep my friends and family abreast of what is going on in my life�it is also a way to vent and be heard.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Mine changes from time to time..I�m currently using the first layout I started with..Designed by a friend of mine Belle. I do not think a layout is important if the writing is strong. But it�s like anything else. It�s nice to make an attractive site for your visitors.

Your letter to your husband, brought tears to my eyes. Share with us your recipe for a successful marriage:)

There is no recipe for a successful marriage. Every relationship is different. What may work for me might not work for someone else, as people are never ever the same. I cannot say that my marriage does not have its problems�but all relationships do. The only advice I could ever give to someone about marriage is��never stop talking to each other�and never stop �hearing� each other.

You have such a wonderful self-image. It's really too bad more women don't have the kind of self-image you do. How did you come to this place in your life? ,p> I don�t know if I have a wonderful self-image. I�ve just come to the point in my life where I refuse to beat myself up. I refuse to allow others to beat me up. I still get depressed and I still wonder what in the WORLD I�m doing. But I�ve learned to stay focused and not allow other�s opinions to shatter me as I once would.

If you could name one area in your life in which you are the least self-disciplined, what would it be? In what area are you the most self-disciplined?

I have a hard time making myself do the exercises I have to do for my knees. Part of an ongoing physical therapy program. I can rationalize anything. Since I walk a lot on my job I figure hey why do my leg lifts today. Don�t need them. Or wearing my knee brace. Don�t like to do that either. It never stays in place. The most uncomfortable thing on this earth.

The area that I can honestly say I�m most disciplined in is my writing. It will get done before anything else will. I�ll put most anything on hold to finish a chapter. But this is money.

Okay here is your zany, silly, spoof question that we at Interview are so fond of giving! "If you won the lottery, and had oodles of money, what would you spend it on?"

Egads! Well at this point I can say I�d buy the boat and head to Tahiti and take some people with me. Sit on an island with the drinks with the lil straws in them�while well oiled Cabana boys feed us grapes�.With no kids, husbands, boyfriends, what have you allowed�..(BOAT�S LEAVIN! ALL ABOARD!)

Interviewed by Trinity

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6:54 p.m.


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