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Today's Interview: slaseniye -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

About 20 years ago (give or take a couple months) I entered this world in the middle of Wisconsin. That same year, the population signs in our town got changed because of the census and the population went up one person. Made me feel pretty special, being the only one born that year. Anyhow, from that point on I led a pretty non-descript life. I never had any earth-shattering experiences that shaped my future, I never got into trouble with the law, and I never even fought with my parents much. This lifestyle went on for about 17 years until I came to college. Then I still did nothing exciting, just in another city. I'm currently heading into my last year of college before hopefully getting accepted into a law school and ruining my life by entering the most detested of all professions.

Why did you choose this username?

Up until my freshman year of college, I had one of those email addresses where you get about 60 pieces of spam a day, so I figured it was time for a change. I called on my friend, who was teaching herself Russian at the time, to help me pick a new name that would be so bizzare it could never possibly show up on a spam distribution list. After that I just began to use it for pretty much everything that required a username. Sadly, at this time the true translation of the word has been forgotten, but during a 3am conversation with another friend, it was determined that from then on, the meaning of the word "slaseniye" should be "Ruler of the Crumpet People." So there you have it, and if anyone could tell us what a crumpet actually does (besides go well with tea), some insight would be much appreciated.

Why do you keep a diary online?

This past summer I had a job where my entire purpose consisted of sitting in a chair and playing on the internet. I think they were supposed to give me things to do sometimes, but it rarely happened, and whenever I asked for some work to do I was instructed to go play solitaire or look at the internet, etc. So under the recommendation of my friend Sami I started to pass the time by writing in a diary.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

I don't think that layout is important at all for a web-based diary. The only exception to this would be if you have a truly horrible layout that makes navigation impossible or the entries really difficult to read because of a bad choice of colors, etc. It is nice to see a well-done layout, but being that I have absolutely no HTML skills myself, I can't really expect anyone else to do much better than myself. I feel that the content is by far the most important thing, so it doesn't matter if you're using a Diaryland template or spend 5 hours designing the perfect layout. Complicated layouts are great for people who like to do HTML, but for everyone else a Diaryland template is just fine.

My layout has slowly evolved over time to what it is today. I was never really fond of how the Diaryland templates looked, and being that I like to waste my time in as many ways as possible, I decided to teach myself just enough HTML to create a table and match up the colors so they looked nice and pretty. Its nothing special, but I feel that just further emphasizes my belief that content is the most important element of a diary.

You say you like good friends. What makes a good friend?

I really appreciate good friends, becuase throughout high school I didn't really have many. When you go to a small school, its often difficult to find people who can truly relate to, so you spend your time with people who you have a good time with, but never really bond. I think a good friend is one who you can tell anything to, and they will always be there to listen. I also think a good friend will accept your faults and forgive you for any mistakes that you make. I think most people would agree that most of the qualities that you value in your friends are those qualities that you most aspire to have for yourself.

In the approximately 6 months since you started your online diary, what is the biggest lesson you have learned?

I think the biggest lesson I've probably learned is that if you really want to express how you truly feel, its better to be anonymous in your diary. At this point in time, I know a lot of my friends read my diary, which doesn't usually present a problem because I'm often writing about topics that really don't have anything to do with how I'm feeling at that moment. But sometimes if you're having a horrible day and feel like slamming the world, you don't really want to write it down because it will be there the next day when you've calmed down again. I think doing that kind of thing is a lot easier if you know that only people you don't know will be seeing it.

Why exactly do you want to read the top 100 novels of the 20th century?

think one of the major reasons is that I really adore reading, but I've never been very good at picking out books unless they are suggested to me by someone. I figure this way I'll have a nice reading list that will keep me occupied for a long time.

Plus I've always had this strange obsession with lists, and I think if I was able to accomplish reading very single book on this list, I'd probably just move on to another list of the same sort, such as the AFI's Top 100 Films list.

Like me, you seem to adore John Cusack. If you had 24-hours alone with him, how would you spend it?

I'll probably just say right off, that if he was about 10 years younger, the 24 hours would probably go a whole lot different. But since there hasn't really been much development in the field of age-reduction I'd have to say that I would probably just want to hear everything about him. I would just want to know how he got into the business, hear about the making of his films, and all that other boring stuff. Then I'd get an autograph, so I could put it in my framed poster of him from Say Anything. After that I might just forget about the age gap and jump on him, but I'd do my best to keep myself restrained.

Interviewed by Brandi

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