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Today's Interview: Up In Blue

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I'm 24 years old but most times I don't feel a day over 12. I've been married for 2 years to a man who manages every day to make me fall more in love with him and bug the living crap out of me. My husband and I are in the process of adopting a little boy who is 15 months old. He is the absolute light of my life and I spend a fair amount of time talking about him in my diary. I'm a stay at home mom and I wouln't trade that for the whole world. I was born in a small town in Minnesota but I only lived there for a short time. My dad was in the Air Force my whole life so we really moved around a lot. I lived in Germany for three years and we got to travel all over Europe. When I was 19 I moved back to that same (no longer small) town that I was born in. That's where I met my husband. After he graduated college we moved to a suburb of Minneapolis and lived there for 2 years. Now we're back living in the same small town again.

Why did you choose this username?

I chose this name because it is part of the title of the best song ever written, Tangled Up In Blue by Bob Dylan. I was raised on Bob Dylan! When I started an online diary I wanted to choose a user name that would have a special meaning for me. I really love the song and it just seemed to fit.

Why do you keep a diary online?

A few reasons I guess. I have often started journals but then I always seem to stop for one reason or another. I guess it's because I have a hard time making myself keep doing it when I know that I'm the only one who's going to be reading it. I have a lot to say and I want other people to hear it. This way other people can read what I write and I get a lot of feedback. I love it when someone emails me to say "hey, I really like what you had to say about so-and-so" or "you suck" or whatever they are moved to write.

Another reason is that I just like to talk about myself. If people want to read about how I spend my day then I'm more than happy to share that with them. I aso love being a part of Diaryland. I read so many diaries and my favorite list is always changing. There are a lot of great writers out there, it's fun to be a part of that.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you >also comment on yours?

I think layout is only important to a diary if it is important to the person writing it. I mean, if you are writing it only for yourself, the who cares how it looks. If you want others to read it then you want something that looks nice. When I'm browsing new diaries layout counts for a lot with me. I tend to skip over template diaries but I also skip ones that are "too much". If they have 8 million rings and other little things scattered all over the page I just skip over them too. I like layouts that are simple and easy to navigate.

When I started out in Diaryland I knew nothing about html. I got some help with my layout just so I didn't have to have a template. Since then I have learned a bit of html and I have been able to change a few little things here and there. I am going to add some images someday, once I get up the motivation to do it.

You possess some really strong views. How did you come about adopting those views?

LOL, what views would those be? My feelings on day care maybe? OK, I am not a big fan of day care. Studies have been done showing that kids in day care get sick more often, they have more behavior problems and they don't do as well in school. I know there are some great day care programs out there but in general, I don't think they can do as much for kids as a parent can. I think too often parents put their kids in daycare so that they can both work when they simply don't need to. There are a lot of families out there that could get by on one income, they simply chose not to. True, our family cannot afford everything we would like because we only have one income, but there are countless benefits to me being a SAHM. I guess I just don't understand why people have kids simply to pass them off to someone else to raise.

I have a lot of strong views and I guess I can't expain how I came to have most of them. I guess a lot of them have to do with my own personal life experiances. I am extremly pro-gun control, militantly pro-choice, I think spanking is wrong, I don't think co-sleeping (beyond a few months old) and extended nursing (I'm talking like when the kid is three) are the right way to goI don't really agree with organized religion and I don't really think that most welfare programs work. But then, those are just my personal opinions.

Discuss a significant (positive or negative) event in your life

My husband and I started doing foster care about 6 months after we were married. After doing it for a few months a 4 week old baby boy was placed with us. He was in bad shape and we were told he might not make it. He was only supposed to be with us a few weeks. Well, a few weeks turned into a year and boy did he ever make it. One day we were told that he would not be going home, that his parents rights were going to be terminated. We were asked if we would be willing to adopt him. We really resisted the idea for a while. I had my heart set on having a baby "of my own". One day I was getting him dressed and he leaned his little head against my shoulder. I thought about how we were the only parents he had ever know and if he wasn't "our" baby, then whos was he? I thought about not adopting him and then sending him off into the world without the only parents he knew. From that moment on we were 100% commited to adopting him. Right now we are only a few months away from the adoption being final and every day I am so thankful that we decided to keep him. He has brought us more happiness than he could ever know and he has changed our priorities completely. I LOVE being a mother and it sure helps that my son is the smartest, cutest most wonderful baby in the whole world!

In a movie based on your life who would play you and why?

I wish I could say someone like Cameron Diaz or Catherine Zeta-Jones but that is no where near the truth. It would probably end up being someone like Bea Arthur (from the Golden Girls). That's pretty much the story of my life right there. In a crowd of women I'm always the tall, smart, sarcastic one. Of course, she would be a little old for the part so maybe Halle Berry would be a better choice. At least then people would go see it.

If you could send your mother in law anywhere, where would you send her?

HA! Like I haven't already thought about this 1 million times! Last year on TV I saw this show about the Eco-Challenge race. The racers had to hike through a jungle that was home to these leeches that could burrow through clothing and under peoples skin. I don't remember the name of the jungle but that is definatly where I would send my mother in law if I could. Of course, knowing her, she would be the one doing all the blood-sucking.

Interviewed by Trinity63

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