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Today's Interview: BrokenGlue -

Why did you choose this username?

The story goes like this: I couldn't think of a good name, so I thought of a bad one. Thus, BrokenGlue was born. Broken Glue as in, even glue won't fix things. My profile says, "Let's use staples instead!" I'm not as depressed as I sound.

Why do you keep a diary on-line?

I've kept a diary ever since I got my first one for my ninth birthday. The first was filled with "John doesn't like me" and "Marty is so cute! We call him Marty Farty though. I think he likes me." The second was full of my obsession about a boy I met at a youth rally and my hatred of the evil step-brother. Ever since, it's simply been my way of coping with the world and all it brings upon us.

I've always loved expressing myself through written word, as it's really the only truly effective way I can communicate. (Just ask my mom. Anytime I have some "bad news" to tell her, I write her a letter instead of telling her face to face.) So when I was introduced to the Internet and then to Diaryland, I knew it was for me. I know there's a strange satisfaction in reading something funny, or something you completely agree with. So, I strive to give that satisfaction to everyone I can.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

On a scale of one to ten, layout is about a seven. Reading a diary with a messy layout is like trying to read really sloppy handwriting. It's a pain in the you-know-what. Something neat and easy to navigate is ideal as it will be more convenient for someone to keep reading you. I will, however, read a diary with the worst layout possible if the content is gold, though it may be a chore. You know how the old saying goes. "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

I've gone through several layouts myself. From one of the Diaryland templates, to something created for me by Scud. After I started experimenting with it, it started looking like something a kindergartner would love. So I set myself to learning enough HTML to have a decent layout. The one I have currently is the one that is going to stay. It's still not complete as I'm awaiting some more graphics and I'm starting up my pimping again. (Long story, you can read it here.) For now though, as far as I know, it works for the reader and, therefore, works for me.

You have a very interesting cartoon character on the side of your diary. What is it from and what is it's significance to you?

Well, it's sort of from the Dragon Ball Z anime series, except it isn't. My fiance got me into it, although he's still more obsessed with it than I am. We decided to have our own characters for the fun of it, and so he set about drawing them. So, that's my character "Ava". His character? "Kado." Put them together and what have you got? No bippidy boppidy here. Just an AvaKado. Our characters are Saiyans, and all Saiyans' names sound something like vegetables. Like Kakarot (Carrot) and Raditz (Radish). It's fun anyway. We give ourselves characters for everything we're obsessed with. Star Wars included. We're geeks to the bone.

You seem to be a firm believer in Christianity. Some of the decisions you make because of this would appear to require a great deal of willpower. How hard is it to stick to what you believe in?

I am a firm believer in spirituality. I believe there is a God, but I believe in other things, too. I like to believe in everything that is good, but I'm fully aware of the evil that exists. I don't believe in many of the things that Christianity teaches because most of what you read in the Bible is all about interpretation.

For instance, I was taught that clapping in church for people who sang was irreverent. It wasn't until about a year ago that I realized how insane it was. People can say "amen" as loud as they want, and yet, making noise with your hands is irreverent?

Mostly, I've come to believe that things are as sinful as you want them to be. I don't deny that my upbringing has had major effects on the way I behave and what I think is right and wrong, but I've come to a point where I decide what is right for me and what isn't, instead of letting someone else do it for me because "the Bible says". I'm always ready to have someone tell me their opinion and from that opinion, I will form another.

As far as sticking with what I believe in, it's not hard at all. If you mean things like not drinking, smoking, or doing drugs, those have nothing to do with what I believe religiously. I'm not exactly what people would call the "perfect Christian". I'm quite evil, in fact. I mean, in comparison to "hard core" Christians. I'm living in sin with my fiance right now. I'm pleased with how I choose to live my life, and I believe it's up to each individual to choose what makes them happy. I just won't do anything that will make me hurt, or others hurt. Sure, every once in a while I make a decision that doesn't feel good to someone else, but it's not like I'm out murdering people or breaking hearts everywhere because it's fun. When your only pleasure in life comes from making other people miserable, then you've got a problem.

Your entry Funny Old Man had me laughing really hard. You talk about becoming a writer at some point. Have you decided what your first novel would be about?

Making people laugh is one of the things that brings a smile to my face. Nothing quite like the sound of human laughter and knowing something I wrote is the reason. About becoming a writer: I'd say I already am a writer. I write, and people read. I just don't get paid for it. Fiction is not exactly my strong point though. So I decided a while ago that if I ever did sit down to write a novel, it would be about my life, with extra fiction inserted here and there. People always tell me that I've been through a lot and though I don't believe it, if the public speaks, they will be heard.

If you could be the lead actress in one of the movies in your video store, which actress/movie would it be and why?

Let's see. Demi Moore - Strip Tease. Well, some would hope, but I'm only kidding. For some odd reason, I find this the most difficult question to answer. There are so many movies, but I'd want to pick a character that kind of defines me, or at least makes me relate to them. No such character exists, or I haven't seen the movie yet. How about Buttercup (Robin Wright) from "The Princess Bride" because she's such a brat, but she also has a very tender, wild, romantic side that people only get to see when they're close to her.

Interviewed by Devnullicus

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