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Today's Interview: nzforestguy -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I'm all of 19, so technically a young guy. Live at home still with my family which consists of Mum, Dad and my younger sister who is 17. Did a Diploma in forestry management when i left school, and sorta haven't finished that yet, so hopefully will somewhen. I'm a volunteer firefighter where i live which is a challange sometimes, but is also a good way to spend some free time, which is usually when i'm sleping. And also frequent the net, if i have a computer screen that doesn't blow up on me.

Why did you choose this username?

When i was doing my course at tech (which is sorta like uni) a chick on the course had an email that was like, "theforestgurl" so after seeing that i began to wonder if i could have nzforestguy as an email, and i could, and the rest has just carried on from my email.

Why do you keep a diary online?

I started talking to a person online called Ange, who by some fluke was going out with a guy that i sorta knew from high school, i found out she had one and decided to give it a go myself. I find its an easy way for me to keep in touch with ppl online, without writng a whole lot of emails, and i find its always good to write what down in your mind, even if no one read it, it would still continue as its mainly a thing for myself.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

Althought not entirely neccessary, it sure looks nice if you have a good layout other then the standard template ones. Mine is in about its third incarnation, althought most of the colors remained the same throughout. The one i have now is a very basic design i got from a friend i sorta know online who helps me out when i get really stuck with a graphical problem, her names Agentmerp I've added to it, with certain things, like the pop up boxes on links, and now have a web cam going on it as well.

Tell me what you do for a living?

At the moment i am working at a hardware store, almost 4 years of working in the timber side, and now i'm in hardware, which is a bit of a challange.

You talk about procrastinating in your diary. We all do it. Why do you procrastinate?

I don't know why i procrastinate, its all a genetic thing i think, and it seems to only come out in force when it is something i don't want to be doing, the rest of the time the procrastinator in me is hidden.

You talk so much about Kate. Come on fill us in on this wonderful creature!

(hmmmmm must choose words carefully) Well where to begin, we met online by fluke due to the fact Jelly Belly at work ran out of money on his phone and couldn't reply to her, she got his number off of my website, and textd it as a joke. So feeling sorry for jelly i ended up texting her, and we've been talking almost every day since. We actually have a lot in common, and end up talking about everything and anything, she makes me laugh, and also makes me think about things, in comparison with other ppl i know from the net shes unlike anyone i've spoken to before.

The one big hurdle is that she lives in Perth Australia, and i'm here in New Zealand, so for someone i'm in love with, that i've never met, we get along really well, even with the long distance thing going on, and the plan is to meet up in March when i get two weeks off then, and we will see how it goes.

What in the heck does "Dodgy" mean?

Good question, i guess you don't hear that phrase much, well almost everyone i speak to in New Zealand, thinks i'm dodgy, or are dodgy themselves, when i got asked that qustion i asked a few different ppl for there opinion, one was a person thats a tad unusual, strange, unpredictable, shady, and a mixture of everything else, one way of thinking about it is that when you talk to someone, you can be thinking of dodgy menaings to what they are saying.

So next time someone says your strange or a freak, stand up and proudly say you're dodgy, theres nothing better.

Interviewed by Trinity

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