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Today's Interview: un-bad

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I live in San Diego, CA. Well, a small town just on the edges of it called Imperial Beach. I won't bother telling you my age, you wouldn't believe me. I don't get along with any members of my family (me=black sheep) and this makes me rather unhappy that we can't make anything work between us. I wear too much black eye liner.

The best song ever is "Moon Dance" by Van Morrison. Every relationship I have had was riddled with turbulence; I don't seem to be very good with people. My favorite color is gray. I have pretty hands, piano hands except I don't play the piano. I never got a ticket before this morning even though I really am a very bad driver (ticketed because I was amongst six other drivers that drove on a dirt shoulder to drive past a traffic jam... very illegal it seems).

I've got this thing about James Dean. I recycle. My car is small and red and swift and named Lorna. The Doors and the Jimi Hendrix Experience and Janis Joplin are my favorite music artists of all time (never you mind that they all died before I was even born) because they were ARTISTS.

I like to throw rocks at the beach. I've never seen snow in my entire life. My favorite movie is The Red Violin. I've something of a talent for drawing. Some say I am pretty but being young and female and American I disagree. I have few friends, but the ones that I do have are more important to me than I am. I cannot stand tomatoes. I do not partake in alcohol as there is a family history of alcoholism on both sides. My cousin committed suicide on my fifteenth birthday. My brother was born on my fourth birthday. I'm not very good at short bios.

Why did you choose this username?

I was sitting there trying to think of names that wouldn't require a number after it. I didn't want to be part of a series. So as I thought of words that described me like saturnine and sarcasm and tall, I found that I didn't really want such an objective alias. Of course I wouldn't be recalcitrant every hour of everyday. But when I thought I am neither bad nor good consistently, it was then that I made up the word "un-bad." That, and "blipontheradar" was too long.

Why do you keep a diary online?

I'd like to say that this is some way for me to reach out to people or something, but really it's just because I type so much faster than I write by hand. And then my penmanship is everything like a chicken scratch.

How important do you think a layout is for a web-based diary? Would you also comment on yours?

The layout is the first thing that is noticed. It sets the mood for a diary, it tells something about the writer already, and influences the reader from the beginning. But in the end. The real importance is in what the words contain.

I like my layout as it is clean and simple. There is nothing extra hanging into columns or messy links. Of course, I feel obliged to say that I did not design it myself. I have an average at best handling of html. So I left it to an expert and here I am with a nice design from one of my favorite movies, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

You share with us from your diary: "But introspection is the biggest kick in the teeth since french fries." Why do you feel that way?

Sometimes it seems that all I do is try to understand myself. I spend so much time trying to figure out my own mind that I often find that friends and family and work and play have all passed me by. Of course I feel that knowing oneself is essential. But not at the expense of letting life pass by because I was too busy thinking about life rather than out experiencing it.

You say if you had twins you'd name them "Give and Take", why?

In this case the twins I wrote of were meant as symbolic extensions of myself. I was trying to say that I wished that I could be outside myself still knowing what I know now, but in a more innocent context so that I would be more willing to lead the life I want. To be more willing to give to people and take what they offer me in return.

I see you are an artist, and you smoke pot. How do you feel about drugs, and do they help you with your artistic side?

My art and my drug use have nothing to do with one another. I take my art extremely seriously and refuse to contaminate it with anything other than my own thoughts. It cannot be a true representation of myself and my thoughts and ideas if I am not myself when I create it. If I did, then the painting or drawing would not be my own, but would be the child of substance abuse. I use drugs because I cannot handle my life sufficiently and it is the only escape that works for me anymore. I know it's wrong.

If you could be any flavor of candy, what would you be and why?

Hands down licorice. You either hate it or love it, there is no middle ground with licorice.

Interviewed by Trinity63

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