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Today's Interview: Trinity63 -

Please give a short bio of yourself for our readers.

I am originally from Seattle, Washington -- a first born, 2 siblings, a sister, and a brother. I arrived at 5:15 pm, on a rainy spring evening, in 1963. I have been married twice. I have been married this time since Fall of 1998-- to my best friend. I am the mother to one incredible, healthy, wonderful, bright, beautiful, (did I say incredible?) little boy! I have been in school since 1997 (it seems like forever). I am working on a Business degree, and should be through with the first leg of it in June. Then off to another University to work towards an MBA. I work presently as a Senior Managing Editor for an "Ezine" and enjoy my job very much. No pets, other than fish. I am a gourmet cook, and enjoy walking in cemeteries.

Why did you choose this username?

Everyone asks me that, and then before I can finish they think it's a religious reference, which amuses me greatly. The hones to God's truth is -- I saw "The Matrix" and even though I am not bisexual, I totally creamed my jeans when I saw Carrie Anne Moss -- who played the character "Trinity". When I came to diaryland, I tried to use the name Trinity, but it was taken by someone who updated one time, and has never come back. So, I placed "63" on the end of my Trinity, since that was the year of my birth. And it stuck.

Why do you keep a diary on-line?

I have "oodles" of journals and I mean oodles! of journals in my home, from years gone by. I have always used writing as an outlet-- to help me process feelings, and come to understand whatever is happening at the time in my life. When I started working more and more on line, many things became "web friendly" and writing a journal on line became one of those "web friendly" things.

Also, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the gratification I receive from the validation and positive feedback of others in response to my journal. It's also a great learning experience for me. When other people don't agree with what I have written, and write to tell me, it gives me the chance to engage them in a dialogue, and it's always my hope to come away learning something from that interaction.

Have you ever felt addicted to computer games or to your time on-line?

Oh God yes. I was addicted to "Utlima" and then Ultima Online. The longest I have stayed up was over night, I think 26 hours playing Ultima. There was a time that I think I was addicted to being on line. It was a time during which I was ending a very dissatisfying relationship. I was lonely. No self-esteem. And I discovered chatrooms, and I could easily sit and talk for hours to faceless people on a computer screen.

Now days, I have higher priorities. I have an incredible little boy. So my time on the net for pleasure is limited. I have more important things to do with my time, rather than sit all day in a chat room.

What is your ultimate dream?

I am living my ultimate dream. He's nine going on ten months old. We have waited sixteen years for him. My dream was to become his mother -- and now I am.

You have applied to "work" as an interviewer here. What question would you have asked yourself and how would you have answered?

I would have asked: "I noticed throughout your diary, that integrity is important. Why is integrity so important to you Trinity?"

Many years ago -- there was a time that I didn't possess much integrity. I grew up in a house that had zero integrity. We as children were told if we told the truth, always, that we'd never get into trouble. That was a lie. When we told the truth we were beaten anyhow. So we learned to lie. We learned that it was a 50-50 chance of escaping a spanking. Then I met this wonderful woman when I was eighteen years old who taught me the importance of telling the truth. And most importantly, being true to yourself. It was a very hard lesson to learn but I learned it.

Today, I don't have any patience for those who lie on purpose. And then again, when we lie, it's always on purpose, isn't it? If it wasn't on purpose, then it really wouldn't be a lie.

If you could invent a cheat code for life, what would it be and how would you use it?

I wouldn't ever invent a cheat code for life -- as I don't believe in the philosophy of cheating one iota. It's useless -- if you cheat and attain things in a dishonorable manner -- you won't respect what you attain, and you won't appreciate it either. So why even bother?

Interviewed by GingerBug

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